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It was late September. School hadn't started that long ago, Routines were still being learned. The Summer heat hadn't let go yet, but Fall was making itself known in the foliage of the trees, The slight nip in the air, and the plummeting temperature at night. If you felt so inclined, you could still wear shorts in the day time. For me that was never an option, It looked like my legs had hail damage, with as fat as my legs were.

I cringed at my reflection in the mirror. I had no idea why I had bought these Bermuda shorts. I watched my slightly fuller upper lip curl up in disgust at my own reflection. What I would give to have a fast metabolism, I thought to myself as I peeled myself out of the shorts, and found some flare jeans. I know they weren't in style anymore, but I dare not wear those 'Skinny' jeans that are currently in style. I have overheard one to many “Skinny jeans, should only be worn by skinny people” comments to dare tread into that territory.

I shook out my favorite pair of ultra flares, with quilt-work patches on the legs. I thought they looked great on me. Which really isn't saying much, because I don't look that great. Period.

Sliding them on was a breeze, getting them over my “child baring hips” (as my Doctor called them. Ick.) was another story. I had to do a little sucking, and a little tucking, and more then enough jumping and wiggling to get them over. I sighed at my reflection again. Wearing only my jeans and a bra, I grabbed the ring of fat that protruded from over the waist of my jeans and pulled it outward. “If I could just cut this away, maybe I wouldn't look so bad.” I reasoned. Letting go of the fat and pulling on one of my favorite shirts with a pink batman symbol, I looked at my reflection one more time. Touching the black ringlets of my hair and deciding to pull it up into a pony tail.

Downstairs my Mother, was sitting at the kitchen island with a doughnut in her hair and reading the paper. I reached for one, and felt a sharp sting through my hand. My Mother was glaring at me, “Do you want to be a whale? Because thats where your heading if you don't stop this.” I blinked back tears and shook my head.

“No, I don't want to be a whale.” I whispered, eying the doughnuts with intensity, and longing.

“Well, people are going to start yelling 'Man the Harpoons, the Whale is coming!' if you keep it up.” She looked me up and down, “Matter of fact, your half-way there.” I could only nod numbly, and muttered a good-bye to her on my way out the door. My stomach grumbling quieted as my heightened emotion state settled over it.

It was so peaceful on the walk to school, The early morning sun lighting up the leaves in the trees in brilliant shades of red, yellow, and orange. I could feel some of my self-loathing lifting as I stared up into the branches of an ancient oak, catching glimpses of a clear blue sky. I was pulled out of my happy place by the blaring of a car horn. “Move it Cow! Your ass is taking up the sidewalk.” I whipped my head around to see a white truck with a bunch of football players in the bed, laughing and giving each other high-fives at my expense.

As they flew by my attention stuck on the other side of the road. A guy with a cute baby face, hazel brown eyes, and the same color hair stood there. He was tall, and lean. He flashed me a brilliant, perfect smile as he walked my way. He looked both ways, and crossed the street. He closed the space between us by hugging me, then tossing his arm over my shoulder. “ Hey Ky.” He greeted. Feeling myself relax I smiled up at him.

“Hey, D.” I replied. Damon Montgomery, My best friend in the whole world. We shared a sandbox, was how I put it. We had grown up together, and there was no person I loved on Earth, more then this giant man-child whom I called my best friend. We walked together, with his arm slung over my shoulders all the way to school.

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