Hello, Seven!

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“Where are we going?”  Asked Calypso.  The increasing altitude was starting to make her dizzy.

“Camp Half-Blood.  We’re almost there!  I figure after almost a year I should probably tell my friends that The Leo is still alive.” Replied Leo.

“Oh.  Well—“

Leo cut her off, “It’s down there.  We’re going to drop sort of fast.  Hang on!”  Leo shouted. Smiling as Calypso hugged him tighter.  “C’mon Festus.  Let’s go say ‘Hi’”

Festus roared.

“Shush!  Do you want them to know we’re coming?  Okay, you know what to do.  Drop!” 

Festus began dropping altitude.

All the campers were sitting around the campfire, singing and laughing when all of the sudden Festus dropped in, just missing the campfire.  Everyone scattered and screams filled the air, except his friends. 

Leo slid off his dragon.  His friends stood there staring at him, speechless.  “Bam!  Team Leo’s back in business, baby!”  Laughed Leo.

“But—You—Uh—How?!”  Percy asked as he scratched his head.

“Yeah.  Long story.  But nice to see you too, Percy!”  Piper marched toward Leo with an angry look on her face. “Uh—Hey Piper!  Long time, no see!  Wha—“  He was cut off with Piper hitting him.  “What was that for?!”

“You’ve been alive this WHOLE time and you don’t even say ‘Hello’ until now?!!” exclaimed Piper.

“Sorry!  Look, Calypso and I—“

“D-did you just say ‘Calypso’?” asked Percy

“Yeah!” Leo went over to Festus and helped Calypso off.  Leo led her into the firelight. “Everybody, Calypso.  Calypso, everybody.”

“Hello Percy.” Calypso answered, calmly

“Uhh—“ Percy was awestruck, with his jaw dropped.

“Percy! Say something!” muttered Annabeth, while smacking his arm.

“Hi.” Squeaked Percy. 

Calypso laughed, “It’s fine.  I’m on Team Leo now!”

“YES!!!  Team Leo for the win!  See, Hazel, I told you!”

Hazel laughed and rolled her eyes, “Yeah.  Sure.”

“Why is everybody staring at me? C’mon crank up the music!”

“Leo, we’re just really surprised to see you—“ Annabeth faltered.

“To see me alive I know.”


Jason comes down from the cabins and sees Leo.  “Hey! Leo!” He rushes over and hugs him.  Then smacks him and shouts, “What were you thinking?!  That plan was so stupid!”

“Aren’t all my plans?”


“So I see the Greeks and Romans made peace?”

Jason and Percy both say, “Yep!”

Leo and Calypso sit down on a log and everyone takes turns telling the story.

“So where’ve you been?  I’m sure everybody would like to know how you died but didn’t die.” asks Nico, while lurking in the shadows.

“OH!” Leo jumps about out of his skin then looks at Calypso and smiles.  “It’s a long story.”  He explains what happened after he flew right into Gaea and died.  “Then Calypso and I traveled.”

“The world is so much bigger than I remember!”

“Hun! We’ve only been in the United States.  There’s a whole lot more!”

“My gods!”

“So what are your plans after this?” questioned Frank.

“Hey big guy! Turn into any cool animals lately?”

“Well—No, no I haven’t.  Will you answer the question?”

Leo laughed, “Yeah.  We, Calypso and I, are going to eventually open a mechanics garage together.  She’ll do the entertaining and magical thingamajiger stuff.”

“And He’ll do all the fixing!” smiled Calypso.  Leo and Calypso hold their gaze upon each other for quite some time then are jerked back into reality when Hazel proclaims,

“That’s really sweet!”

“Yeah, I’m glad you guys found each other!  You make such a cute couple!” Piper agrees.

“Pipes, your inner beauty queen is coming out!” joked Jason.

“Oh, shut up!” laughed Piper

Annabeth muttered something to Percy.

“Perfect!”  Percy exclaimed, then went to the other group of campers and said something to them that made them all cheer.

Leo and Calypso look at each other, baffled, as the campers come toward them.  They get lifted onto the hands of the campers.

“What’s going on?” They say in unison.

“Oh… Just couples initiation!” laughed Annabeth.

“Put me down!” screamed Calypso.

“I’ve learned to just roll with it, cupcake!” laughed Leo.  They reach the lake.  “Oh! What ar—“ Leo gets cut off as they get thrown into the lake.  All the campers laugh.  Calypso and Leo swim back to the shore, laughing.  Leo takes Calypso and kisses her on the shore, under the moonlight.  Ignoring everybody else’s cheers and laughs. 

And Coach Hedge screaming out the window, “QUIET DOWN, CUPCAKES! SOME BABIES ARE TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!!!!” but that was a little hard to ignore and a laugh escaped Leo then he went back to kissing Calypso.  

Percy and Annabeth look at each other, satisfied.


HEEEEYYY!!!!  So this is my first Fanfic!!! This story is purely from my imagination BUT ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO RICK RIORDAN'S IMAGINATION!!!! ALSO, COVER ART IS NOT MINE!!! I got it off the web so I give full credit to whoever made it!!

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