The Package

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He follows me inside of my unkempt home walking into the kitchen where I'd left the odd package. I slowly walk to the counter putting down my knife. I lift the side peeking in to see... "A piece of paper! This box was a bit big for a piece of freaking paper!" I exclaim but also taking a breath of relief that it wasn't anything more. Picking up the piece of paper I study it a bit more. "You have been invited to the dinner party of a lifetime. You and eleven other hand-picked strangers have been invited to this event. Emmaline, due to your small demeanor you may come off as weak but you can use this fact to your advantage. For this event is a competition... you will be taking part in a game of Hide-N-Seek. If found you lose more than just the game... your life. The rest of the rules will be explained once you have arrived. On the back of this card is the address and date of the event. If you think there's a choice you are terribly mistaken for I have graciously chosen you and it would be rude to decline your host considering the winner will be given a generous amount of money." Reading the note out loud I look up at TJ his face portraying how I'm feeling. "I- I mean I've got no choice!" I say looking at him tears starting to well up in my eyes. He pulls me into a hug, "It'll be fine, you'll be fine. You're small it can't be that hard to find a spot." He says trying to calm me, but it didn't work. I remove myself from his grasp and grab the card flipping it over reading the address I knew exactly where it was, the Clawthorn Mansion. A bunch of savvy rich people think they can just tell me that I'm going to risk my life for money! But, I'm going to go, survive, and then shut it down. It's tonight, may as well start getting ready. "What should I wear?" I ask turning to TJ. "I don't know. I'm not all that into fashion, to be honest. One thing is for sure, you shouldn't wear a dress. You're probably going to wedge yourself into places you're going to need to be flexible and dresses don't allow that. I hate to say it but I've got to run I've got work soon." TJ says following me as I walk him to the door. Giving me a hug before he walks down the steps.
Once he's gone I walk to my bedroom opening my closet. Maybe I could wear a skirt but have shorts underneath so that I am underestimated and seem dumb. If I keep quiet then I'll seem insignificant to the seeker, maybe they'll even forget about me. Going into my closet I search for the perfect outfit for this mission impossible. I'll wear flats with short socks so that I can slip them off and walk around silently. Any shirt will do that's not my concern. Should I bother bringing a bag? No, it will just take up space I'll just slide my phone into the pocket of my shorts. Or maybe I should hide it in the bushes in front of the mansion. Maybe I could leave it in my car but they can easily break into my car and take it so that when I do survive I can't call for help. Either way, I'm ready to survive the night. Now we wait.

What! Two days in a row. Yes and it will probably be an every day thing until I'm done with this story.  I hope you enjoyed! ❤️

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