Chapter eleven: when sidharth get killed

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They entered the tunnel, the tunnel was looking the same. Dark. Roots were hanging from the roof. They told Sidharth to show them the way he had found and he started to lead them in the tunnel. According to Sidharth, it was not too far but 10 minutes were passed but they were still wandering in the tunnel. Every so often they came to a crossway and Sidharth turn on one side without even hesitating for a second like he knows this place quite well. Although they had weapons still this was not helping to control their racing heartbeats. Aditya was sure that something was watching them, perhaps many things but whatever they were, they had maintained their distance maybe because of the Panchdhatu weapons. ‘how far?’ Rajveer broke the silence.
‘just two more turns’ Sidharth replied with such confidence and as he said, a squeaking voice started to come from somewhere behind in the tunnel. Like something was getting rubbed on a plank of polished wood, continuously. Aditya heard it and ran toward the sound ‘come’ he yelled from behind. Rajveer gestured Sidharth and ran behind him before he could get disappeared. Sidharth followed. They catch up with him and jogged together toward the sound. ‘where are you going?’ Rajveer asked.
‘Someone is in danger’
‘wait Aditya’ Rajveer stopped him while grabbing his arm ‘it can be anything. Don’t be a fool. It can be..’ Rajveer looked around then whispered ‘a demon also’
‘I have to check’ Aditya pleaded. The sound was getting louder.
‘then go slow’ Rajveer wasn’t getting angry because he knows Aditya can’t see an animal in danger. Whenever he saw any starving, wounded or troubled animal, he always tries his best to help them but he was amazed that even in these conditions when he himself was in danger he was thinking to rescue an animal. That influenced Rajveer himself and they started to walk toward the animal. The sound was getting louder but shallow as well, as the creature was finding it hard to breathe. They glanced at each other and ran without even caring about themselves. They stopped when their light fell on a green shiny thing. the sound was coming from a white rabbit who was raped in a python’s spiral. The python was looking young because he was neither too small nor too huge. Rabbit’s breathing was now shallow, soon he was going to pass out and the snake would swallow him. ‘we have to do something’ Aditya said in a hurry and pulled his sword out. ‘hey man’ Rajveer jumped in front of him ‘you can kill this poor snake, he is doing his job, if he will not eat him then he will die’
‘I am not killing it’ Rajveer snapped ‘I just can’t see this rabbit dying like this’ he turned his sword and held it upside down. He crossed around Rajveer and went behind Python head. Sidharth was still standing there holding lights and his axe. The python was not even looking at Aditya it was too busy for that. Python’s full concentration was on his prey. Then Aditya used hilt of his sword to tie python’s head to the ground. Rajveer was stunned to see his friend messing with a python and maybe python was also because he left the rabbit and started to coil around the hilt of the sword. Just as the rabbit freed from the spiral, something happened that made both Rajveer and Aditya gulp. Snake and the rabbit both turned to shadows and disappeared.
Now it was clear that it was a trap but for what? Everyone was fine and Everything was looking fine.
‘now let’s find the museum’ Sidharth said with a weird grin on his face. They nodded and followed. Rajveer patted Aditya on his shoulder ‘that was nice’
‘you are asking what? you just put your life on risk for a rabbit. That was really.. noble’
There was not enough light but he was surely blushing.
‘it’s just felt right’
‘I know but we have to be more careful now’ Rajveer said gently ‘I think who did that probably know our weaknesses. It knows that what you will do in a situation like this.’
‘I understand’
Then they followed Sidharth who was now humming something. Something that was too old they can’t even guess which song it could be but they didn’t mind and kept following him.
After about five or six turns the exit was still nowhere to be seen. Rajveer was sure that they hadn’t crossed more than two turns while chasing the rabbit’s sound and according to Sidharth they should have reached the exit till now. Also, if Mantrik was controlling Sidharth, it shouldn’t be difficult for him to find the way. Finally, Rajveer ran out of patience after one more turn and cleared his throat ‘hey Sidharth wasn’t we were about to reach the place?’
‘yeah I think we are lost buddy, when we ran for the rabbit’s sound, I got confused and took the wrong turn maybe’ Sidharth replied like it was no big deal.
Rajveer and Aditya both frowned at each other and mouthed the same word “buddy”. Sidharth hadn’t spoked like this since all this was stared. Then what happened to him now? The optimistic mind of Rajveer told him that maybe Sidharth was getting back to normal. Suresh also said that Mantrik can’t enter in this tomb because of lord buddha’s powers. Perhaps Mantrik’s control was losing on Sidharth. Rajveer was happy that now they didn’t have to do what Suresh had told them to do. Although He knows this also meant that they couldn’t be able to find the measure’s entrance but that time Sidharth’s being good was enough for him to be delighted. As Sidharth was ahead and Rajveer and Aditya were following him, Rajveer slid to Sidharth side without even telling Aditya what he was thinking. ‘so, if you don’t know the way’ Rajveer put it nervously ‘where are we going?’
‘so, should we sit here’ Sidharth chided ‘and let the entrance come to us.’
That makes Rajveer laugh this was surely Sidharth’s kind of reply, a balloon of happiness seemed to filling inside his chest. His friend was back.
Whereas in Aditya’s view something was wrong, he was still walking behind when Rajveer was now enjoying Sidharth’s company. Rajveer was asking Sidharth about his marriage, which was kind of a strange topic while predicting a second in that tunnel was hard. Aditya figured that Rajveer was trying to be sure that it was Sidharth of not but what was hard to figure out was the real problem. Aditya was sure that the incident of the rabbit and the snake was a distraction but for what? He was thinking really hard when he heard someone yelling his name. he sheered back to see, but there was nothing. just endless darkness of the tunnel. it seemed like’s Sidharth’s voice but that was not possible he was walking right in front of him. he stood there for few second in dilemma till Rajveer called him. ‘hey,’ he yelled ‘what happened?’ Aditya took a last glance and then ran to his friends. ‘nothing’ Aditya said thinking maybe that was also a trick of the ghosts or he was hallucinating. Which could be also possible, Aditya was just starting to feel the lack of oxygen. It was not too much but still, their breathing was fast. He was also had a vague feeling that they were going deeper in the tunnel. Now there were no roots hanging from the roof. Finally, he decided to thought about it later and he started to examine the roof and walls as they were walking for any possible way to get out of there.

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