13rd January, 2020

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7:28 Monday

"Joana! Wake up! You're going to be late for school!"

"Mom chill I'm coming!

A young female teenager with dark clothes and raven/blue hair leaves a room, she's walking down the stairs and sees a beautiful blond haired girl around her age - "morning toad eyes"

"Morning guapa"

She kisses her on the forehead and then on the lips - "Why are you blushing?"

"Shut up I'm not!"

"Yeah right and I'm straight"

Sadly joana's mother interups - "Okay your Papá and i are leaving now. Don't forget to water the plants and to eat enough"

"Mama I'm going to fine for these few days"

"Oh honey you never know"

"I'm 18 mamá! I can handle things my own and i still got Cris if i need help"

"That's true. Don't worry mrs. Bianchi I'll take care of- i mean we'll take care of each other"

Joana's pov:
I love that Cris comes by every morning so we can walk to school together but i told her so many times that she doesn't need to do that but as always she insists.

"Ready to leave?"

"Yeah let's go"

We walk down the street and i notice something about Cris - "guapa what's wrong?"

"Nothing it's just really cold"

"Hold on" - i grab in my bag, take out a jacket and give it to her

"Thanks but you don't always gave to give me your jacket you know"

"Oh yeah i know but you look cute in it and i don't want you to freeze to death on our way to hell"

We laugh and smile at each other

Its been 7 months since we made our relationship public. I wasn't sure about it back then but now I'm so happy we did. Now i can kiss my girlfriend anytime i want without worrying. I mean yeah we still get ugly ass comments but we don't care about it anymore. Nothing can seperate us. Not even my BPD!
Also ever since we made our relationship public we spent every free minute we have together and every weekend except we have exams




"I'm hungry. Please make food"

"Why do i have to do it you can walk on your own"

"Criss please what if you're parents are in the kitchen"

"So what come on I'm gonna marry you one day so they have to accept it anyway"

"Oh so you gonna marry me good to know. But could you come with me at least? Future wife"

"Sure future wife"

the way to happiness ~ Croana fanficWhere stories live. Discover now