chapter 2 - noticed back

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"What are you doing?", Ray said, looking curiously at Y/N.
Admitedly, Y/N was staring at the boy. She was spacing out.
Y/N snapped back to reality as she heard Ray call her name.
"H-Huh?", the girl asked.
"What were you doing? You were staring at me weirdly. Uh, do you feel sick or anything?", Ray said, tilting his head a bit.
"No...uh-...I'm fine...S-sorry, I think I j-just, uhm...spaced out...", Y/N said, looking away.
"Mhm", Ray hummed in response.
Y/N stared back into her plate.
This was the second time she talked to Ray that day. She felt like she really outdid herself, since she didn't have many interactions with Ray on a daily basis.


Ray's P.O.V.

To be honest, around half a year ago I noticed some small things that didn't usually come into my sight.
It's about a girl in this damned hell pit. Her name is Y/N.
I began to notice how she scrunches up her nose the rare times she laughs, how she taps her nails on the desk after every test, how her eyes glow when she gets good results, how she pouts when she gets bad results.
More recently, I noticed she began biting the inside of her cheek whenever she is noticeably flustered or nervous.
At breakfast, I saw her to as I said. I thought maybe it was because of me, but I know to well how anxious she grew over time, so it was most likely she just felt nervous.
I don't think I like her that way...
At best, I don't think I do...
Like, she is really cute, and it's adorable seeing her all flustered up most of the time, but I don't find myself able to see us as a couple.
Speaking of anxious, Y/N used to be different. She used to be more of a social butterfly than she is now.
I still remember talking to her while she sat on the branches of that tree.
To be honest, I only sat there because I at least would have had someone to talk with while the others were playing tag. Now, it just one of my habits. We rarely, if almost never talk.
She never liked sports. Y/N was always She always liked drawing, composing, singing...stuff like that.
Y/N just...started acting shy, I guess...She started by stuttering while she spoke to some people, including me. Now she barely speaks to Gilda, and those two used to be unseparable...
I wish I could fix her or something.
I wish I would be able to assure her she almost nothing to be nervous about while she's at Grace Field.
I know I'm selfish, but I don't want her to leave...Her shipment date hasn't been brought into discussion, but she will soon turn 12, and I'm worried...I'm worried about what will happen to her...

Word count: 498
Author's note: I'm sorry for the short chapter! I promise more is to come!

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