chapter 8 - jealousy

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"Everyone, this is Sister Krone! She will be my assistant from now on! I hope you'll all get along well with her!", Mom explained.
The dark-skinned woman sitting next to her grinned widely.
Her smile was unsettling...
In comparison to Mom, who was more on the petite side, Krone was quite tall and muscly.
"I hope we'll get along very well, everyone!", Krone said in a sing-song voice.
Y/N was scared. She never thought about another adult entering their strange game of cat and mouse.
Y/N felt her world stop for a moment. Her breathing was heavy, her heart almost stopped for a second or two.


Krone began playing with the smaller children. She was energetic and got along very well with the small ones.
The children were excited. They had a new playmate who provided entertainment to them.
"She sure i-is uh...g-good with ch-children...", Y/N said to Norman, making sure the little ones won't hear her.
The girl's voice was full of worries. This woman absolutely what the three children were planning to do.
"We have to figure out how to escape without a rope, since we weren't able to find one...It will be alright!", Norman reassured the girl.
Y/N remembered how Emma and Norman went past the fence after they've done their chores.
She remembered how they sadly told her there was a huge wall a few meters away from the fence.
She remembers their exact description,
"Huge, almost 20 meters high! And it was pretty thick, too! 3 meters at least!"
Y/N snapped back to reality as she heard Norman's voice against.
"Now let's smile for our own sake!"
The boy was wearing his usual calm smile.
Y/N didn't know why, but she felt secure. She felt as if everything was going to work out.


Ray's P.O.V.

I saw Norman talk to Y/N. Not that it really bothers me, but I noticed she began smiling all of a sudden. She was very drowzy these days, which was already pretty off...
Is it weird to feel this way?
Like, we're not in a relationship, so...No hard feelings, right?
I'm not jealous, but what bothers me is that she may have changed her mind.
When I said I want to see her smile I truly meant I want to be the one who makes her smile.
Now she suddenly wants to be around that damned airhead...
Sure, he may be smart, he maybe "cute", he may be a tad bit more coolheaded than me, but I'm better than him! Thousands of times better than him!
Ok...maybe I am jealous...
Just a tad bit...


The H/C girl looked towards Ray. He seemed upset about something...
What if he was angry at her?
Why would he be, though...She did nothing wrong...
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek. She didn't want Ray to be upset because of her.
Y/N got an idea. She wanted to simply ask Ray what was wrong. She wanted to see if he could help.
The girl walked up to the ravenette, building up courage with every step she took towards Ray.
"Uh...R-Ray, is umm-everything o-ok? Y-you seem k-kinda down t-today-", Y/N pouted.
The words didn't come out of her mouth as she wanted them to, but she was happy she got her message across.
"Tch...It's not your job...", Ray carelessly replied. He then poked his tongue out as if he was making fun of her.
Y/N wasn't upset because Ray poked his tongue out at her. She thought it was cute, rather than disrespectful.
What bothered her was his answer. She really felt bad about it...
What if Ray hated her? What if this was all because of the note? What if he was disgusted by it?
Y/N felt uneasy.
So much happened in the timespan of three days, it was too much for her.
Meanwhile, Sister Krone was still entertaining the children with little games of make-believe.
"I want to get along with everyone, so I propose playing a match of tag!", the woman cooed.
"I-I...d-don't want to play...", the girl said.
"Y/N...You seem a", Emma remarked.
"Are you sure you're not sick?", Norman said as he pressed the back of his hand against the girl's forehead, checking her body temperature.
"N-No...I'm o-ok...I...think I'm uhh...Going t-to go inside...T-tell Sister I c-can't play tag...", Y/N said as she slowly approached the house.
Y/N felt tired.
Despite Mom basically being their enemy, Y/N wanted to talk to her.


"M-Mom?", the H/C girl called as she entered the house.
The woman was tidying around, just as usual.
"Yes, Y/N? What happened? Shouldn't you be outside?", the woman asked.
"I-i...wanted t-to tell you something...", Y/N muttered.
The black-haired woman looked with motherly eyes towards Y/N.
"How could she be our enemy? Is she really that cold-blooded, after all?", Y/N thought.
Y/N felt her eyes being flooded by tears. She felt weak and vulnerable.
She wasn't even surprised by Mom's hug...
She felt like everything was just a bad dream she was taking too long to wake up from.
Why did they take tests every day?
Why did they wear white uniforms?
The questions that kept pandering back and fourth inside her mind have finally been answered, yet she felt like she those weren't the answerd she wanted.
"I have an idea. Let's drink some tea together and talk this through, all right?", Mom said in a soothing tone.
Y/N nodded in response.
She didn't know what was to come...


Ray's P.O.V.

Dang...Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh on her...
Maybe I could've been nicer...
Now I see why she would like Norman better...
He would've at least given her an answer.
I must talk to her, yet I'm not sure what I'll tell her, or how I'll engage in a meaningful conversation with her, since she is very shy. Maybe shy is a misrepresantation...
She is just very anxious around everyone...I don't get her to be honest...

Word count: 1057
Author's note: Wooo the story is...evolving? Yeah, I really want some drama in between Ray and the reader, because after all, they are almost 12, they're still children...Yeah...That's it bye lmao

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