18. Cedric

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~~~~~~~~ 3 Weeks Later ~~~~~~~~~~


"Hey, can Bella come with me to my dads company? I want to show her where I spent my time when I was her age ." Jaxson says peeping his head in the bathroom I'm doing my makeup in.

"Yeah and I told you, you don't have to ask just let me know. I was  just worried" I tell him.

He smirks "I know, I just don't want you to go all crazy on me again" he says sarcastically.

"Get out!" I laugh throwing one of my makeup brushes. "See this is exactly what I mean" I hear him say walking down the hallway.

I choose to ignore his antics and hurry to finish my makeup. My father called and asked me to come in for a short meeting.

I'm dreading it but I haven't been to the office in the last three weeks. I feel bad but I'm using Bella and her stitches as an excuse. I leave after Bella and Jaxson.

When I arrive at the company my dad is saying goodbye to Viv, and by saying goodbye I mean they're sucking each other's faces.

I walk right pass him and into his office. He walks in and sits behind his desk a few minutes after me not even addressing my presence.

For some reason I'm not having it today. "Dad what was the reason for calling me in" I say annoyed.

He looks up at me."Sit!" I do as I'm told. "Why have you not been coming in?" "I told you it's because of Bella and her stitches" he shakes his head.

"You must mistake me as some fool" he says banging his hand on the desk. "I- um?" "You're just spending time with that man like the whore you are."

I know he is talking about Jaxson. He stares me down. "It's okay though. It's good for business after all, and keeping you away from me" he adds the last part bitterly.

"What's the reason for the meeting?" I ask him ready to leave. "I've set up an interview with timestale for you and Mr. Ross to announce your marriage" he says proud of finally doing something on his own.

"We- we aren't ready for that." I tell him surprised. It's too early we don't even have a story.

"Doesn't matter, your interview is in two days. Come up with something, and don't embarrass me."

On my way out my dads, Cedric calls me into my own office. "Hey Cedric, what's up?" I ask "where have you been?" he asks me getting straight to the point, something about his mood is off.

"I've been taking some time off to be with Bella, you know since she got hurt and all." He slaps the wall behind my head.

"BULLSHIT!" I've never been more scared and confused. "CEDRIC WHAT THE HELL?" I yell at him.

He looks pissed but not as much as I am. "AVA, YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A SLUT!" He says this time raising his hand and slapping me.

I am definitely confused. He isn't my father though, so the fear easily leaves me. I fight back this time.

I'm not anywhere near as strong as him but I use all the strength I have to push him away from me.

The only thing that saves me from Cedrics fist is my dad opening my office door. He looks so confused and Cedric looks scared.

"Why are you still here?" he asks me ignoring the fact that his receptionist is beating up his daughter.

"I'm leaving now" I tell him walking pass him. I get in my car and sob.

Why? Why do I always fall victim to abuse. I trusted Cedric so much. I even trusted him with my daughter. I really have to save myself from this.

As soon as I get home I run upstairs into my room and look at the new brusises. The worse part isn't even from the slap it was from the impact my back made with the wall.

There is a long scar on my lower back with blood soaking through my shirt.

It stings really bad but I don't have time to cry. I need to stop the bleeding so I can quickly do my makeup before my daughter and Jaxson return.

I'm not as fast as I need to be. As soon as I go down stairs to get the first aid kit the front door opens.

"MOMMY!" My baby girl yells jumping into my arms. I gave her tight hug.

When she pulls back she looks at me and pouts. "Are you hurt?" She asks me.

"Of course not. I feel great I have you." I tell her poking her nose. "Bella waste ice cream all in my ca- oh" Jaxson says walking in.

I put Bella down and she goes upstairs. He approaches me and moves my face around looking at the bruises Cedric just made.

I don't know what to say. "Your father deserves a death sentence." I let him believe it's my dad. The truth only confuses things.

"Its not that bad." I tell him getting the first aid kit. "You're literally bleeding ." "If this is ruining your day I have worser news" I tell him.

"What?" He asks following me into one of the downstairs bathroom.

"I'll help you." He takes the first aid kit away from me. I press my teeth down hard as it begins to burn when he puts peroxide on the cut.

"So what's the bad news?" "My dad scheduled an interview for us to talk about our marriage" I tell him.

"We aren't ready." "He doesn't care." "What will be the consequences if we skip it?"

"Nothing really. Our companies will be fine and you'll be good." "What about you?"

"I'll have to deal with my dad afterwards but nothing I can't handle." I reassure him. "We're not going to make that an option."

"We have to. We don't even have a story." "We have 24 hours to make one. We'll make up the best fake love story any one has ever heard." By the look in his eyes I can tell there is no changing his mind.

The door bell rings and I raise my eyebrow. "Issy" he says handing me the rag and going to get Bella's dog.

Today is Issy's first day getting groomed and she looks so different.

This isn't the dog Jaxson surprised Bella with 2 weeks ago for her birthday. Her hair is cut and thankfully so are her nails.

The remainder of the day me and Jaxson work hard on a good backstory while Bella dresses her puppy in multiple outfits.

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