I'm straight edge, not trying to dig for treasure on my hand!

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So what I really can't frigging stand at the moment is that fact that I have to listen to all the chavs in my school. They sit there and go on and on about why do I have X's on my hands. They start saying stuff like 'Oh that's where she's going to cut herself the little emo.' And 'She's digging for treasure in her hand!'

No. It's called straight edge. It means I don't have to worry about my future being full of loosing money to drug, alcohol and smoking addictions. I'd rather be slightly over weight and be able to save money up, than constantly having to feed a drug addictions, constantly have to be throwing my guts up because I went out and drank so much I can't see straight. If I wanted your opinion I would have sat there and asked for it. You and judge me, sure go right ahead, but whats the point in sitting there and talking about me like I'm stupid. Unlike you my brain cells won't die away slowly because i'm giving my body crap that shouldn't be in there in the first place. I understand how people have problems and try to drink them away, but the best thing to do is just forget. 

Another thing is, how stereotypical are they? 'little emo' I wouldn't dream of cutting myself, I understand that yes sometimes people have problems mentally that make them want/need to do it, but I don't. Even if I did I would try so hard not to do it. But that's their problem, they are under 16 going out getting drunk having sex and getting into trouble. Me? I'm happily sat at home enjoying a life where I'm not going to die prematurely because I have no self control.

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