How come Sheamus saves people. But no one helps him?!

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So I was watching some WWE saves and I noticed that Sheamus comes out a lot and saves a shitload of people. But when it comes to Sheamus being the one getting attacked. NO ONE comes out to help him, to me I don't get why WWE makes Sheamus come out and save people when no one will help Sheamus.

Sheamus saves:

John Cena from Nexus                                                                                                                                                                       

Air Boom from from Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes

Chris Jericho from Alberto Del Rio

John Cena from Tyler Reks, Curt Hawkins, Darren Young and Titus O'Neil

Kofi Kingston from Daniel Bryan

Randy Orton from Cody Rhodes and Christian

Rey Mysterio from Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio

Teddy Long from Mark Henry

These are only the ones I could find but that's a lot of saves, if WWE wants to make it look more realistic then people should help Sheamus too.

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