Day 2

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I woke up normally at 7.00am ok ok 7.30 nah 7.45. I got up and I went to school first thing I had assembly I hate these so much. The head teacher miss Stop it always talks about the future and I'm not ready for it. Then I run up for music technology and the teacher was not there my sit was talking but my BFF L was there so I worked with him kinda we just kinda talked. After that we had maths and me and L sat down we saw Bob ag I hate him so much then he turn around he's ba and CRACKED IT EWWWWWWWWWW I hate when he does that. Maths went on and on until 5 minutes before the bell the teacher  says we will have a test on TUESDAY I said FUCK but the teacher didn't hear me I hate tests. I had break next nothing interesting and the day went on until last period of the day CHEMISTRY i don't hate it it's just i had a test I didn't study for omg i said to myself my friend Nick said are u ok Dom I said yeah and the test began nothing really happened it was the end of the test and I was pissed at myself  because I now I FUCKED UP like always so that was my day wait for more drama and TEA what will definitely happen my high school is messed-up.

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