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In the jungles of Africa, Batman and Flash were on a mission to stop Gorilla Grodd from controlling the minds of the people. Until their mission got compromised when they got ambushed by Grodd's henchapes.

They are now tied up to a tree and far next to them is a lioness in a cage. She was walking around and she looking at the captives, until Gorilla Grodd appeared "As you see Batman and Flash, I know you two would come here to stop me. So now I have capture you, you won't stop me this time" Grodd said to the captive heroes.

"Hey Grodd why did you captured a lioness?" Flash asked "Did she tried to eat you?" He joked. "No, that lioness is apart of my mind-controlling machine and with her hunter skills, the prey would look at her eyes they are in a trance, by using her...aaahh" he cut off when he back off to close at the lioness, she strached his rear.

Then he turn around to face at the lioness "Stop that!" He said the lioness roared at him "oh, I'm so gonna end you" he said, she growled at him.

"As I was saying: by using her brain waves and my mind-controlling helmet, it'll make the ultimate mind- control beam that put all humanity on my control" Grodd finished explaining his captives.

"Get her ready at the machine" Grodd ordered his henchapes as they began carrying the caged lioness to machine.
" This time you or not even the Justice League would stop me now" Gorilla Grodd said.

He turned around to noticed the lioness is chained to the machine "As you excuse me, I'm gonna proceed" He said as went towards his ultimate machine, he hooked up his helmet and set the countdown to 3 minutes.

A batarang came hit his hand "oow" he yelped as Nightwing jumped out of the tree that he was hiding up there. Grodd grunted "Get him" he ordered as the gorillas came towards Nightwing, he began foughting them off.

A yellow blur came and stopped in front of Gorilla Grodd, it's Kid Flash. Grodd bring up his fists, he tried to smash him but Kid Flash dodged and he trying but Kid Flash was too fast.

He put a bucket on Grodd's head as Grodd began to take the bucket off his head it was stuck. Then Kid Flash start messing up with the machine and he was quickly done.

Then Catwoman came and she untied them "Catwoman, what are you doing here?" Flash asked "Nightwing and Kid Flash were on their way to rescue you two, so I figured I can help them and they said yes" she answered.

Nightwing had already taken care of Grodd's henchapes when Grodd finally took the bucket off his head. He saw his henchapes unconscious, Batman and Flash were free, Nightwing, Kid Flash and Catwoman were standing next to them.

"Your plans are over Gorilla Grodd, you're coming with us" Batman said, then Gorilla Grodd look at the countdown, it was on 10 seconds and looked at the heroes "actually your plans are over" he said.

"We need to stop it now" Catwoman said "wait for it" Kid Flash replied as they watch the countdown hit zero the machine began to zap and it shut down. "What?" Grodd exclaimed as Batman punch him unconscious.

"When I placed the bucket over his head, I mixed up the wires in the machine" Kid Flash explained "Let's take him back to the zoo" Flash said.

"Should we free that lioness first?" Catwoman asked noticing the lioness is chained to the machine. "Okay, we'll free her first" Nightwing replied.

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