The Start Of Something Big

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The moody bus driver hands me my change as I take my ticket and sit down on an awfully coloured seat. Today is the day I've been waiting for. The day I see my idols in concert: Black Veil Brides.
I remember when I first bought my ticket and that feeling of happiness and excitement which is so much more intense now the concert is only a few hours away. I spent about 3 hours getting ready, having to straighten my long brown hair and apply my warpaint perfectly even though I'll probably sweat it off later.
I put an earphone in my left ear and look out the grubby window. The bus engine starts, roaring loudly and causing me to put my other earphone in.
Jumping in the air, dancing along to the loud beat of DJ music I close my eyes and smile. I love concerts. The way you get so close to everyone exchanging sweat. It sounds gross but I just love it, the feeling of being so close to all these people you don't even know but just feel a connection with them. All because of music. Music is my saviour. when I'm sad I go straight to music. When I'm happy I just wanna listen to music and smile. Whatever mood I'm in I want to listen to music, because I love it.
"We hope you had fun, we've been Drama Club! Enjoy the rest of your night Norwich!"
The two masked men walk off stage as the lights turn back on and the murmur of voices gets louder.
"JEN!" I turn to see my old friend Lucy
"Oh my gosh hi!" I haven't seen Lucy since high school, we used to be such good friends.
"It's been so long! Are you here alone?" Lucy questions combing her fingers through her once dirty blonde but now bright blue hair
"Hasn't it! And yup, are you?"
"Yeah, my friend ditched me but you're here now!"
"Let's party!" I scream even more excited now that I'm with an old friend. Me and Lucy talk for a few minutes then the lights dim.
"Isn't that band "Fearless Vampire Slayers" on now?"
I laugh and reply
"I'm pretty sure it's Fearless Vampire Killers Lucy"
"Ohhhh yeah...."
A guy with red hair runs on stage, and I fall in love instantly. His hair is amazing and his eyes are just gorgeous... Who is this guy?!? I ask myself, staring up at this beautiful man from the front row.
Halfway through the 2nd song he catches eye contact with me and smiles at me, winking afterwards just before he runs along the left side of the stage.

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