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It's now been a month since I met Black Veil Brides. Sitting in my room I scroll through tumblr miserably, wishing to go back to that day. Then I remember I never actually checked out that band Fearless Vampire Killers, I had meant to after the concert because I really enjoyed their music.
So I go to google and type them in, spending hours finding out new things about them, so interested by this band.
"They're so perfect" I murmur to myself listening to their newly released album falling even more in love with them. I gasp when I see that they are doing a UK tour next year and that they're coming to Norwich (where I live). But then the sadness comes as I realise that I have basically no money to buy a ticket as I don't get paid until the end of the month. I shut my laptop down, as it's 11:30pm and my bandmate/best friend Katherine (who I live with) is moaning at me because "the light is shining too bright" when it's on the lowest brightness and I'm in my room. Although I do have work at 8 in the morning so it's probably best if I do get some sleep.
*Christmas day that year*
I wake up to a cold breeze entering my cocoon of bedcovers, then I squeal realising its Christmas. Even though I'm basically an adult now I still get super excited for Christmas, I love the atmosphere and just everything about it. I charge down the stairs finding all 4 of my roommates/bandmates/bestfriends (yeah it's complicated) around the Christmas tree about to begin opening presents. Sian is wearing a Christmas jumper and leggings, Tay a Christmas onesie, Katherine the same as Tay but the colours are different and Juliet has a plain tank top with Christmas leggings.
I cough, causing them all to turn around and laugh. Confused I ask why they're laughing
"Your hair is rather... Interesting"
Sian says laughing even more
"I just got out of bed now let's open these presents!" I scream joining them around the tree as we all hand out presents.
I unrwap all my presents hugging everyone for the amazing gifts they had given me. I then realise I still have to open my cards, I do so, smiling at the lovely messages from everyone. My final card is on the floor and so I undo the envelope seeing that there's no card in there but a glimpse of a small piece of paper. Taking it out I squeal, it's a ticket to the Fearless Vampire Killers concert.
We have a group hug and then sit down on the huge couch to watch a Christmas film together. This is one of the best Christmases I have ever had, with my greatest friends in this world.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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