chapter 6

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Noodle boi's pov

I slowly open my eyes and look over my shoulder and read the click three thrity. As I begin to get up I feel a light tug. I look down to see lefty still sleeping. I get out of his arms and leave the room. I walk towards the vents and slowly crawl towards the cafe. I leave the vents and walk over to the kitchen. I begin baking some cupcakes and slowly put them in a baskets. I grab the baskets and crawl back in the vent. I stop by lefty's room and place a basket on his nightstand. I then make my way to the nightmare area. I end up back at the hallway and walk towards Fredbear's room. Knock. "Good morning Noodle, may I ask what the cupcakes are for?" "they are for you and a person to share." he blushes and has my takes the basket. "Please come in." I slowly enter his room. "So you made cupcakes for me and nightmare." "I made more than I wanted to so I thought you would want some." he places the basket on a table and sits on his bed. "Is your area open today?" "yeah but I won't be up till latedo in the day." we talk for awhile then we hear a knock on the door. He gets up and answers the door to show nightmare. He glares at me " Fredbear what is that doing here." 'that?' "that is my friend Molten Freddy. We were just talking." "he needs to leave." "why?" "cuase he doesn't need to be here you have other things to do." I look over to Fredbear and he returns the look. I get up and walk out the room. Nightmare closes the door then glares at me. "What were you two talking about?" "work" "no really what were you talking about." "it doesn't matter." I look at nightmare begin to get angry. "It does matter." he raised a fist above his head and yells "I just want to protect him." He slowly lowers his hand and
Covers his face. "Form what?" "follow me." he begins to walk towards a door at the end of the hall way. He opens the door and we walk in. "We were once living childern. All of us. Then one day We were lead away form our parents by a moldy golden bunny. He lead us into a safe room. Then murdered each one of us. That's how the orginals came to be and how most of us did. The golden bunny still lives and is still in this building. All I want is to keep him safe." he falls down against the walk and starts to cry. I just stand there and watch, not knowing what to do. After a while he get a up and begins to speak. "Molten, if you promise never to hurt Fredbear I will leave you alone about being in our area." " I promise." he opens the door and gestures for me to leave. I walk out the room and walk back to Fredbear's room. Knock he opens the door and let's me in. "What happend?" "he pulled me into a room and told me to promise never to hurt you." he looks down at his hand and starts to fiddle his thumbs. I look at his Click and it reads six fourth five. "you should get nightmare to come into town with me and lefty. You might enjoy it." "okay, I guess we can go ask him. don't we also have to go find Goldie to help us?" "yes but that part isn't hard." we leave the room and see nightmare walk towards us. "Hey nightmare, will you go into town with me, molten and his lover?" "yes, molten you have a lover?" "yes a boyfriend named lefty." "time to find Goldie." we all walk to parts and serivces and knock on the door. "Oh hello molten. And nightmare Fredbear and nightmare. What are you two doing here?" "we are going into town." "I really need to start chraging money for this. Head over to the stalls and wait." Fredbear and nightmare do as he says. "GOLDIE, what are you doing." "shit." I look over to see a unknown animotronic enter the room. "I fanilly found you." I turn to see nightmare walking over to the bunny. "Nightmare calm down" "shut up murderer. You hurt me any my friends" "What are you talking about?" we all turn to see Fredbear confused. "This bitch murdered us." as he finishs his tell he freezes in place. "Nightmare stop." "why are you sticking up for springtrap Goldie. He murdered you." "cause I love him. And if you attack him I make sure you never leave the safe room you were killed in." I look at Goldie. His eyes fade form white to full black. "Ok Goldie I'll go away." he walks over to the door and leaves. Fredbear looks at me then leaves and I follow him. "Noodle do you know what just happened." "when nightmare pulled me into that room he told me he wanted to protect you because springtrap murdered you and everone here. Then stiffed them in the suit they now live in." we make it back to his room. "I going to head back to lefty's room. Make sure this cupcakes are consumed." he laughs and says bye. I crawl into the vents and make my way back to lefty's room. I exit the vent to see lefty by the vent opening. I slither around behind him and wrap my self around him. "I captured my self a cute black bear." I kiss his cheek. He gets up and walks into his room. "So you have any plans for tomorrow?" "no" "good we are going into town with two friends of mine." "who?" "Fredbear and nightmare." "oh." he leans back on his bed and lays down. I lay down and wrap around him. We lay there till we fall asleep.

Goldie's pov.

After they leave I walk over to springtrap and slap Him. "What was that for." he complains while rubbing his face. "for causing this whole thing." "sorry." I look at his face and place my lips on his cheek. "To make it feel better." "thank you Goldie."

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