chapter 19

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Goldie's pov

The dark hallway goes on for awhile, until springtrap lights a candle. The candle light spreads around the room, a large, empty, bland space. We walk in a place down our stuff. "Well it will work. If we are to live here I need some decorations." I walk over to a small door leading to a smaller room. I turn to spring, "we could sleep in here and have the main room in there." he nods and walk into the room. Spring sets things down and looks up at me. "I can set up here, go and get some money. We can go to a store and buy furniture and furnish this area." 'how does he plan on getting furniture in here?' "okay." I teleport to the vent office. A few minutes of looking around making sure I was alone pass, I grab the office monitor and turn it on. It blinks to life and shows the kitchen. "Nice no one is there." I teleport to the kitchen and grab a few canned goods. As I look around for a bag of any kind one falls and hits the solid tile. The echo travels bouncing off walks untill it leaves the room. I reach down to pick up the can as footsteps become evident. They stop as someone peers through the door. I look at the figure an regret it. My old friend glared at me. I start to teleport away but is stopped. "Goldie wait." "yes. You need something?" I ask. He smiles. "I are old habits for hard. I need uyou to know. Even though I know you didn't mean to do it. Orders are orders, I will find you." he waves bye and walks out the room. I teleport away back to spring. He walks to me and takes the food. "Anything bad happen?" I place down the monitor and look at him worried. "I run into a old friend of ours." he looks at me worried. "Oh no." "yep we have the puppet after us." he paces around the room. "This will be hard he has the blueprints for this building he will find this room." I nod. "Then we will be caught." "let's hope he isn't that smart."

Noodle boi's pov(years have passed)

"Mommy help me." I turn to see helpy fighting lefty. It's a play fight but helpy doesn't ever like being picked on. "Lefty stop picking on him." lefty let's go of helpy and he runs out the room. Lefty walks up behinds me and pulls me closer. "He's five and is growing too fast." I giggle with the image of him in his crib. "Just yesterday he was crawling around his nursery." we laugh as helpy walks back in. Three peices of cake in his fragile arms. "I brought some cake." he smiles as he hands us a plate of cake. "Thank you helpy." I smile at him smiling pridefully. "Your welcome mommy." lefty then says thanks and start to eat cake. As he finish his peice, a idea runs into my mind. I move my fork with a peice of my cake to his mouth. He opens his mouth and takes the cake. "Thank you." "your welcome want more.?" he nods. I smile and give him more. Once done he pulls my head closer to him, giving me a kiss. "Ew gross stopppp it." we giggle at helpy running around. I giggle as lefty kissed me more. "Nnnooo." helpy runs out the room. Lefty turns to me. "I love yo." I turn my head and smile "I love you more."

(A\N okay that is the end of the book. The next book will take a while to be published I have to type it up and give it to my sister to fix mistakes so it's better than this one. And I have the Bonnie novel that I have to type up. Anyways sorry for the short chapter hope you enjoyed the book and hope I can get the other books out. Bye.

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