Chapter 19

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I was awaken by loud ass talking in my room from Craig and Jacob.

" As really you sure he was In here? "

Was? Nick must've left while I was asleep

"Yes I'm sure I can smell dog all over this room "

" dog? Seriously can you be anymore rude"

" your lucky I didn't say creature.. '

" what do you think he was here for? "

" I don't know but I don't like the way he looks at Yn "

"You don't like the way anyone looks at Yn "

" I can't help it i think she's my m - "

"SHe's awake "

I opened my eyes and raised my head glaring the two supernatural beings

Yn: why are you in my room?

Jacob: oh so Nick could be in here but not us?

Yn: I never said that I asked you why you were in here... the same thing I asked him last night

Craig : so he WAS here ?

Yn: yup, in that chair over there

I point towards the chair

Jacob : why was he here?

Yn: answer my question and ill answer yours

Jacob: Craig thought you were in danger and wanted to check on you

Craig: what ? That's not true Jacob felt you were worried about something and woke me up to come check on you with him.

Yn: I was having a nightmare

Jacob: about what?

Yn: I was in michaela's body and ray was killing me the way he killt her

Craig: how long have you been having these dreams?

Yn: since her father tried to kidnap me ...

Jacob: Yn...

Yn: I mean I'm fine , it comes and goes

Craig : this is big Yn

Just then Amaya walked in

Amaya: what's big?

Yn: nothing

Jacob: Yn has been having dreams of ray killing her in Michaela's body

Amaya: woah.

Then Chresanto walked in

Chresanto : woah what?

I groaned

Amaya : yn been having nightmares of her in Michaela's body while ray is killing her

Chres looked at me and I already knew what he was thinking.

The first time it happened.

Chres : Yn get up, get dressed today is me and you day

Yn: I don't wanna

Chres : what? I must've missed the part when I asked?

I groaned as I feel two cold hands grabbing my feet

I snatch my feet away

Yn : ill get up damn...keep that walking freezer away from me

I pointed towards craig

Craig : am i really that cold?

Yn : yes now out so i can change

Chres : you got 10 mins

Yn : dont time me bitch

I push everyone out and closed it sliding down the door.


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