My new friend

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Once apon a time, there was a boy named Cody, he had a hard time making friends at school. He was often alone and sad because he didn't have friends to play with. He only had his sisters and parents that were busy all the time except his baby sister named lily. Lily was only 2 months old and did baby things. Cody's oldest sister Imani was 26 she didn't play with toys anymore, his parents were often at work. One day Cody was laying down on his bed playing games and also watching youtube on his phone. Then he fell asleep dreaming about all the friends he would have if he wasn't nonsocial.

Then he woke up at about 7:00 it was dinner time, Imani came into his room "Hey little bro its time for dinner!" Imani said very loud "O-okay, I'm coming. Cody went to the dinner table and saw orange chicken and white rice on the table "Wow thanks mom!" "your welcome, and there's some juice on the table for you," Cody's mom said with passion in her voise "Ok thanks mom." then Cody sat down with his family and began to eat his dinner. After dinner, he went to his room and closed the door behind him when he entered his room. And turned around to face his bed and saw a boy just laying on his bed. "AHHHH" Cody screamed as he grabbed his bat in the corner. "WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!?"Cody pointed the bat at the unfamiliar boy "I'm ja-", Cody hit him with the bat. "You silly boy, you can't hit me," he said with a smirk on his face. " Here let me explain, the boy jumped off Cody's bed and got closer to Cody's face, you can touch me with your skin but not with an object and no one can see me only you surprisingly". "Let's start over I'm jay I died when I was 13 but somehow I can till age when I am dead, jay said with a smile "S-so y-your a g-ghost?" Cody was so scared he dropped his bat on the ground.

Jay jumped back on the bed "You're kinda cute for a human boy like yourself" Cody began to blush "S-shut up!" "Anyways can I be your friend? Cody realized that he never had a friend before, S-sure! A smile grew on both their faces.

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