Ch.4 The white dragon

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[Author-chan] -hi guys can you pls. comment down what you guys think of my story.

"I don't know. When they saw the princess their attitudes changed, no it wasn't the princess but her hair" Hak replied

The village chief was explaining something but Yona was being surrounded by some villagers while Hak was carrying her

"Hak did you? hear, they called me beautiful" Yona cheerfully said

"Yeah, your hair" Hak corrected

"Is it unusual, or people here worship red hair" Yun asked the chief

"Red hair envokes special memories within our clan. The first white dragon served a red-haired master" the chief stated

"I've always hated my hair" Yona said while touching her hair

"You musn't say such words. You were sent here by the priest. You may be the one we've been waiting for. And also may not be." The chief finished

"How can the princess not be the one. I am the purple dragon, I serve my master even if it takes my life and I will never betray her". I said pointing to myself and feeling proud

"Y/N you were here the whole time?" Hak questioned

"What do you mean, you were here the whole time?!" I angrily shouted

"Sorry we totally forgot about you" Yona apologized

"You're the purple dragon? I tought you were only a myth. It is an honor meeting you." the chief said shock writen on his face and bowed.

The white dragon suddenly appeared behind the princess

"You woman" the white dragon called for Yona but when she turned around the white dragon stoped for a moment and started clenching his dragon arm.

The white dragon then fell on the floor.after a moment he woke up Yona asked "Are you alright?" the dragon then bowed in front of Yona

"I have been waiting for you, my master".All of the villagers followed the white dragon and bowed

"Congratulations white dragon. Our king has finally appeard" then the chief cried

"Master, please tell me your name" the white dragon asked


"Lady Yona"

"Hey don't forget about me again" I interupted

"Umm, who are you?" the white dragon asked me

"My name's Y/N, the purple dragon" I introduced myslef

"You've been cutting into conversations lately" Yun sweatdroped

"That's because everyone keeps forgetting I'm here" I 'humphed' at him crossing my arms

"It's a pleasure meeting you little sister" kija said holding my hands

"Don't call me your little sister" I pulled my hands from him not liking being called little

"Purple dragon, my power is that I can tear trough anything with my dragon arm, what is yours?"

"Yeah, you haven't told us what you can do yet." Hak butted in

"My power is that I have a good hearing that allows me to read people's minds and I can also see the future."

I lied about the part were I can see the future but it didn't matter because I already know what was gonna happen in the future.

"What!!!" All of them shouted in unsion except for Hak but was still shocked.

Yona started talking to Kija "I am not your king or master."


"I am a scoundrel who seeks the power of the gods to protect herself and her friends".

"Hey! Don't tell him that" Yun interrupts

"I am travelling to acquire the three dragons, as well. I ask to grant me your power first" Yona finished

"From this day onward I am your dragon, I will serve you until I die. So let's go find the others now"

"Hold it, let's first hold a banquite to celebrate the arrival of our long awaited master and to say goodbye to the white dragon." The old lady announced.

It was already night and we were having fun at the party, I was being dragged around by the kids while Kija was talking with Yona.

[Time-skip] in the morning

We were saying our goodbyes and thank yous to the villagers and was about to set off to find the next dragon

"So how do we find the others?" Hak questioned

"I can sense them" kija answered

"So who's the nearest dragon" Yun asks

"Blue" I simply said

Kija asks me "Do you know where he lives?"

"You guys have to figure it yourselves." I told them

"What? Why?" Yona questioned

"If I tell you guys more information about the future it will make this journey easier and I'm sure you guys will learn something new in this journey ahead of us if all of you will do your best." I finished my speech

"She has a point." Yun spoke

"So for now let's count on Kija." after Yona said that all eyes on him

"I'll do my best"

[Time-skip] after searching for a while

The sun was about to set and we still haven't found the blue dragon's village

We setted camp to sleep for the night and Yun made dinner, Kija complained about eating bugs and after that all of us went to sleep.

The next day Yun finally figured out where the blue dragon's village is located and setted off to go there.

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