. . . deux!

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REGULUS' NUDE FOOT barely came in touch with the cold floor of the common room as a familiar deep voice met his ears.

"Where were you?"

Vante laid on the same sofa quite comfortably. His whole frame covered the green sofa: his muscular arms were behind his head and his long legs crossed. The grey-eyed boy felt quite uneasy under Vante's gaze. He wasn't checking him out, was he?

Regulus shrugged and took a seat on a chair that was closest to Vante -  basically inches away from his face, and hugged his knees to his chest.

"Where were you?" Vante asked again and changed his position into a sitting cross-legged one.

"Have I missed something?" There it was again: sarcasm, hugging his voice tight as ever.

"You didn't come down last week." Vante pointed out and hastily added, "Not that I've been waiting for you or anything." as Regulus raised an eyebrow at him.

Regulus saw through his lies. His lips curled up into a smirk for a second. "I was busy."

"Busy with what?"

"Stuff." Vante nodded and dropped the topic, knowing not to push his limits. Regulus' voice made it clear enough.

The words fell out before he could have prevented himself from them: "Are you a pureblood?" Regret washed over Regulus like the long slow waves on a shallow beach. Since a young age, Regulus was told and taught purebloods were the superior ones and halfbreeds and muggles weren't near as close to superior. They were filth. His older brother said different, though; himself being friends with a halfblood. Deep down Regulus knew the blood status of a person didn't matter, but he couldn't risk seen with someone that wasn't a pureblood. His parents would be displeased - and Regulus didn't like disappointing his parents. He wouldn't end up like Sirius. He couldn't.

Vante's brows scrunched together like two trains in a crash. "Will you be disgusted if I say no?" Regulus could tell that Vante wasn't really asking: he was challenging him.

"No." Regulus shrugged. He honestly didn't care in the slightest. He just hoped none of his parents would find out about his interaction with the brunet.

His golden eyes shone with gratitude as his lips curled into a widespread grin, his boyish dimples exposed. "Thank you."

Regulus' cheeks were burning as if they caught fire. He attempted hiding the hue of red spreading throughout his cheeks by scratching his nose with his palm. "Yeah, whatever," his muffled voice spoke.

"You just broke out of your character." Vante teased, tilting his head, lips pulled into a triumphant smirk.

"What?" Regulus said, wearing a puzzled epxression.

Vante softened his voice at the adorable sight. "I've never seen you blushing before."

Regulus frowned. "I didn't blush."

"Yes, you did."

"I don't recall blushing."

"Regulus, there's nothing wrong-"

"I didn't blush. Shut up," the raven-haired boy interrupted. There was a moment of silence until Vante's shoulders shook, laughter bubbling out of his mouth as if the other boy had made a joke. Though Regulus didn't understand what was so funny about the situation, he let out a soft chuckle that turned into a burst of wholehearted laughter which was so out of character. He couldn't help it: Vante's laughter was contagious. As Regulus noticed the volume increasing, he kicked against the brunet's knee, trying to quiet him. Vante covered his mouth, muffling the laughter.

Regulus didn't recall the last time releasing those honest rumblings of the soul. Laughing was almost a rare thing at home at Grimmauld Place, especially after his older brother left. He also didn't laugh much with his mates: it was rather an evil snicker. Being able to laugh again was a fresh breeze of air for Regulus.

"I like the way you laugh," Vante confessed softly, his foot stroking Regulus's leg up and down in a slow pace, oblivious to the tornado of emotions he had caused inside the raven-haired boy's body. "You should do it more often."

Regulus held himself back from gasping. What was he doing with him? Why was he reacting like this? Why did it have an affect on him like that in the first place? It was just a simple gesture: nothing special. But the rapid pounding against his chest begged to differ. Vante glanced at him, his eyes tight and worried as Regulus took deep large breaths, trying to collect himself.

"Are you okay?" Vante asked, concern written on his face. He was about to lie a comforting hand on Regulus's knee as the other boy hissed: "Don't!"

Vante freezed, his expression confused. "Man, what's the matter with you?"

Regulus jumped up from his seat and strode toward the stairs leading to the boys' dormitory, only turning back for a moment. "Don't ever touch me again. Understood?"

Vante nodded solemnly, his expression blank. Regulus hastened up the stairs, not caring about the feelings he had hurt. He slipped inside the room that he shared with his dorm mates, walked with slumped shoulders toward his bed and let himself fall onto it. Running a hand through his lucious hair, he let out quiet curses. He fucked up.

Regulus rolled onto his side, propping up an arm under his head and closed his eyes, his body relaxing and rhythm steadying; his nightmares welcoming him home.

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