°3° (short + uwu ending)

814 19 0


-next morning-

I sighed. Not only realizing it was the weekend, but that i was in the same bed as Kim TaeHyung. It was wonderful. It makes me happy.



"hmm?" I watch him walk out of the bathroom, top less. (simple shower-) "uhmm..have you had sex before?.." He was wondering from last night. "uhh..yeah. Why?" He took off the towel, wrapped around his waist, revealing his giant length. I gulp & crossed my leg..feeling myself grow needy. "oh its just.. you acted all.. rowdy last night.."

"Oh, well.. Just know.. I can be a little more~". I watched him dry off, he chuckled at my response. "I have one for you." I say, standing up to open the window. "ask away, love~".

"how old are you?.."

He looked up, after changing into his sweats.. Then cleared his throat after sighing. "25". I gulped. He's that old. My eyes widend.

"twenty five? .."

"yup. Your age? .."

I got shy & began to heat. "uhmm.. 17.."

"seventeen, and loves to be a sex doll."

"yeah.. Im into it.. Its what i am.."

"You 'actually' have sex with older men?"

I nodded, feeling confident. "when i was fifteen."

"god-damn, jimin.."

"its a gift~ your lucky to have me~". He smiled, i did too.

"i am.. Love..~"

..We smile..~

I feel amazing.. Being treated like his only love. He cherishes me, so much. I might've found the love of my life.. Yes..

..He's the one..

(ima make another, bc im happy💖)

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