Chapter 3

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      My head was spinning, and the voices wouldn't stop. I could hear faint whispers off in the distance; though my mind was too fogged to make out the words. With a louder groan then intended, I slowly began to lift myself up, wincing ever so slightly as a small jerk of pain shot up my spine. Suddenly it was as if I could feel eyes staring through me in every direction of the dimly lit room as silence fell abruptly. Once more a intense feeling of pure panic instantly brewed in my chest, my eyes finally opening to their maximum potential to reveal all the live bodies in the room. Yelping loudly at here inhuman features, I stumbled back on the stiff bed I found myself in till my back was pinned against a wall. Small tears began to prick at my eyes, desperate to escape. "W- where am-" I was cut of with a groan. "Startled once more I whipped my head over to the direction of the noise, only to lay my eyes on another horrifying being. A male with inhumanly pale skin and no eyelids stood before me! A smile carved deep into the flesh of his cheeks. I visibly cringed at the sight, a small whimper being dragged from my throat. As I continued to search over him I noticed his white hoodie was soaked in blood.... blood that looked to be fresh. Suddenly it's strong metallic stench invaded my nose causing me to choke on my breath. "Satan will you calm down already!?," he continued, turning to a masculine figure with a navy blue mask, black liquid seemingly leaking from the eye sockets. "I'm bored already. I'm outa here" the bloodstained man mumbled as he brushed past the 4 other figures in the room. "W-what are you.... g- gonna do with m-m- me?" I whispered brokenly. "That all depends.... we could slit your throat and eat you from the inside out. We could torture you slowly and painfully till all you long for is death. Many things, really~" a Clown like figure whispered darkly. He began to walk towards me in a threatening manner, his long black claws glinting off of a dull light source. "I-I please d-" I was abruptly cut of as the formerly mentioned man with the navy blue mask stepped in front of him, facing me. "Or, you could comply and do whatever our boss tells you to, become one of us, and live."
"But.... well w- what if I don't wanna live?" I looked up at the masked figure hesitantly, a small, stray tear in the corner of my left eye. I contemplated their offer carefully but yet still seemed to find the option of death more appealing. "Gah!" I cried out as my head began to ring and pound, my heartbeat going wild. "Ah, don't worry dear, you'll get used to it~" A voice in my head echoed, as slender man appeared in front of me. "F-fuck! P-please get out of my h-head- ahh!" I whined loudly, gripping at the H/C (hair color) locks of my hair and pulling harshly. "Get out get out- GET OUT!!" I cried loudly, my body shaking violently. The pain suddenly vanished and I gasped for air, broken sobs leaking from my lips. A vial tearing sound echoed throughout the room. I looked up to see the faceless man now with a mouth, a devious smirks upon his "lips". "Join us darling, and all the pain will go away. You will be fed and taken care of here in the manor. And most importantly," the towering figure paused, his tentacles ripping from his back with a sickening protruding noise. "We can help you get revenge on your dad~" hearing those words my eyes widened. 'How the hell did he know about my dad!? Was this... was this planned!? He.... he's the presence I was feeling when I was alone at night...' tears streamed down my face at a steady pace 'he's been watching me all this time.... he knew I would escape oneday!' I glared daggers at the man and balled my hands into fists, my knuckles turning purely pale from the grip. Seething with rage I slammed my fist down on my own legs, relishing in the delicious stinging feeling. "How dare you watch me all that time huh!? Just fucking WATCHING me be abused and beaten!! Your WATCHED me almost kill myself! It was YOU!" Just as I went to stand, two of his thick, black appendages darted out and pinned me against the nearest wall, a thud and soft cry gracing everyones ears. I began to thrash violently "LET ME GO!!!" I roared angrily as I clawed at the tentacle gripping at both my wrists. "I wouldn't do that if I were you..." he warned in a voice dripping with pure poison, his grip on my wrists and waist tightening an unbearable amount. "O-ow" I whines softly. "H-how could you...?" I began to go limp against his grip and finally he loosened it, letting me fall to the floor. "It was necessary, trust me." I nodded faintly and brought my knees to my chest. "Jack. Take him to your room and clean his wounds. He's decided to join." Slenderman slowly reached out an arm and took ahold of me. "Welcome, child."
Look guys. I know this chapter wasn't that good but I'm tired. Gimme a breaaaaak *whines* next chapter will be Eyeless Jack's POV!

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