The run

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Tari and the gang were still under attack from the people they met earlier

"What's the play Masa" Lamar asked

"Get an early pick on their flank and sweep in with the others" said Masa

Lamar and Theo were able to take out one of them while was about to eliminate Tari

"Tari" Lamar shouted

Before Tari could get hit, Theo ran in front of her

"Theo" Tari shouted

"Go get him Tari" said Theo

Theo was now eliminated from the game. Tari was able to take out the player and gain a wind burst spell

"You're the finger gun master Tari" Theo said from outside the game

"Thank you Theo" said Tari

Lamar was under attack by another player but Tari was able to save him

"You know you can rest for a second if you need to catch your breath" said Tari

"Save the jokes for after the fight" said Lamar

Masa was busy with the last of the attackers until Tari and Lamar showed up. She disappeared before they could attack

"I have no idea how we got through that" said Tari

"You were amazing though, you were kicking ass all over the place" said Lamar

"I killed people too" said Theo

"Yes you did little man" said Lamar

"Thanks Lamar but I did need you guys to save me" said Tari

"That's what a team does Tari, look out for each other" said Lamar

"There are no weaklings in MD-5 Tari, you're here because you belong here" said Masa

"Well guys, what do you say we finish climbing that mountain" said Tari

The 3 of them head up the mountain while the last attacker who was actually Belle was watching them

"You haven't lost your touch have you Masa" Belle asked

"Belle, would you care to explain why your targets are currently alive" said Lux

"Blame the three anchors you made me carry" said Belle

"I asked for explanations, not excuses. Maybe I should send some supervisors up there" said Lux

"I work better alone Lux, if anything it'll be easier for me to get my hands on that lucky scrub" said Belle

"Your priority is elimination, anything you have to say to Tari can wait until after that" said Lux

Tari, Lamar, and Masa reached the top of the mountain

"We made it" said Tari

"I've climbed this mountain a thousand times but it's view still gets to me" said Lamar

"Are you ready to do the glitch Tari" Masa asked

"As I'll ever be" said Tari

Lamar was suddenly hit by a fireball and was eliminated

"Where did that come from" Lamar shouted

"You really must be desperate Masa, teaming up with these rookie league runners" said Belle

"Belle" said Masa

"She's here, that means Tascorp's on to us" said Lamar

"Tari, execute the glitch now" said Masa

"You're not going anywhere" said Belle

"Damn it Belle, stand down now" said Masa

"You don't get to tell me what to do anymore Masa. You're not Tascorp team captain anymore" said Belle

"What" asked Tari

"Oh you didn't tell her, too ashamed of being decommissioned" said Belle

"I stand by my choice, I just wish you would of done the same for me" said Masa

"How dare you, I tried to talk you out of it, what did you think would happen. Decommissioning was all that Lux did" said Belle

"Do you even hear yourself, how do you still not understand, LUX KILLED LUCINIA" Masa shouted

"Still on the Lux conspiracy theory, why would he kill one of his best meta runners" Belle asked

"The answer is on Lux's private server, I bet my life on it. Now are you going to let me through or are you going to stand in my way again" said Masa

"You always were stubborn Masa, only problem is so am I" said Belle

The two of them engage in battle with help from Tari. Masa was nearly crushed by a pillar until Tari saved him.

"Tari" Masa shouted

Belle summoned dark clouds and meteors were sent flying at Masa, resulting in him being eliminated, then she slowly approached Tari

"No one left to save you now, let's talk" said Belle

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