Lilly is a poetic girl she gets into her feelings and locks herself up and away from the world. "Her heart is sealed away for no one should find it for alone forever must she be," Lilly wrote that line. She writes only how she feels. She loves reading and writing. She hopes to be a famous poem writer so she can give the money to her family. She adores Chrysanthemum and hopes her sister gets a break from the stress she is in.
Name: Lilly
Parents: Cleo and ???
Age: 12
Height:5'4Likes: reading, writing, sleeping, her sisters and singing
Dislikes: when Clara is mean, bullying, big lizards, having nightmares singing in a big crowd
SharksHer life is of grief for her heart may not ever mend but her hope will stay as sharp as she will to prevail
my monster charcters
Overigthis is what I do when I'm bored and not reading or watching tv