Chapter 1: Shotgun Rider

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The stench of marijuana fills my nostrils as I take a shot of Jack. I look at my best friend in disgust as he takes another hit.

"Colt, you are disgusting," I slur at him after I swallow, pointing my whiskey bottle at him before I pour myself yet another shot after letting out a belch that would make my mother cry and my father fist bump me.

"Josie May, you are not one to talk, dumbass."

I roll my eyes, giving him a shove after draining the glass.

I stand up from the couch, swaying from the alcohol I've already consumed, bend down, and pluck the blunt out of his fingers. He makes a grunt of disapproval as I hold it up to my face, inspecting it with a grossed out look. I look around at the abandoned red solo cups and people dancing. I shrug and drop it into a random cup half-full with alcohol, effectively ruining it.

"Josie, you jerk!" Colt shouts as he scrambles to his feet quickly. Or at least as fast as he can while being high and drunk.

I put on a smug look, planting my hands on my hips.

"What are you going to do about it?" I take another gulp of the whiskey, relishing in the burn of the drink as it slides down my throat.

He rolls his eyes with a light smile on his face and opens his mouth.

Before he gets a chance to answer, SueEllen stumbles over to us, smelling like cigarette smoke and a beer bottle.

"You will never, ever, believe who just asked me out!" she squeals. She wraps her arm around my neck and leans on me, which is hard enough to do when I'm sober, considering that I'm 5'1" and she's 5'5", but we're both drunk as hell and it just got 10 times harder.

I automatically wrap my arm around her waist to support her, touching my forefinger to my chin, pretending to think.

"Well, now I know it's not Bobby cause Carrie Ann would kill you both, even if they are on a break." I widen my eyes in mock realization and turn my head to look at her. "Could it be your long-time crush James Howard? The boy who goes to Lincoln High? No, he's too cute." I hear Colt scoff behind me when I mention James being cute, and I stifle my giggle. Carrie Ann and Bobby are one of those bipolar, on-and-off couples, and currently, they were off.

She squeals and jumps up and down, bringing me with her, so I can assume that it is, in fact, James Howard that asked her out.

"Traitor!" Colt accuses, pointing at her. "Lincoln is our top rival, and now you're going out with one of their star players? I can't be seen with you anymore! And!" he cries indignantly through slurred words, "And you're supposed to be with Tommy!"

Always one for dramatics, I swear.

"Colt! You are so mean!" She points her hand with her cup in it at him. I don't miss the blush that spots her cheeks at the mention of Tommy, though. "But for your information, I never even answered him. He asked me and I got so excited that I turned and ran to find Josie, so it's o-kay, I'll never be able to face him again!"

"SueEllen! What? You bailed right after he asked you out?" I gasp. I rip out of her grasp and grab her shoulders. "Are you crazy?!"

"I panicked!" she cries, and I shake her roughly.

"You. Are. Ridiculous!" I yell in between shakes.

"I know, I know! I'm an awful person!"

"If it helps, he's really not that good looking. I mean, look at Tommy, who's like, super cute," Colt gushes, fanning himself, "and then look at him-" He shudders. "-then look at Tommy again to give your eyes a special treat after looking at the horrific specimen that is James Howard. You'll see who the better choice is."

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