Spinel x Sick!Reader

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Prompt: Spinel comforts a sick reader
Requested by: @numeroclown
Art by: wynisq on instagram
~Reader is gender neutral~

You hadn't been this sick in such a long time. Generally speaking your immune system was very strong. You only got sick about once, maybe twice a year, but when you did get sick, it was absolute agony.
Currently you found yourself lying in bed, blankets piled on top of you while you shivered beneath them. You cough into one of the blankets, the back of your throat feeling raw. Groaning internally, you glanced towards the door of your room hoping that your bubbly pink friend would return again soon. Spinel had left with Steven to get a few items for your cold, leaving you alone in the house currently. It wasn't the worst however, you enjoyed the silence as an abundance of noise hurt your head. Sighing, you turned your head towards your phone debating contacting the two, but the thought quickly slipped from your head as you heard the click and creak of the door downstairs. You smiled to yourself and rested your head back down onto your pillow, closing your eyes.
It wasn't long before you heard your door open and the quiet squeak of Spinel's shoes walking along your bedside. Following with the sounds of a bag landing on the floor beside you. You peeled open an eye and smiled at Spinel.
"Hey {Y/N}, how ya feeling?" Spinel said, speaking gently as Steven has previously cautioned her too.
You released a partially joking groan, "Absolutely horrid."
She cringed inwardly from worry and you responded by placing your hand on top of hers.
"It's really not that bad, I'm just joking around." You coughed almost immediately after completing the sentence and curled into yourself slightly. Spinel leaned forward and placed a hand on your back, frantically asking if you were okay. You just smiled and nodded as you finished the last of your coughing fit. "I'm," you cleared your throat and let out a final cough, "fine, just a coughing fit." You rubbed at your throat and eyes the bag on the floor, "did you and Steven get the stuff?"
"Yup! Though I have no idea how this is supposed to help." Spinel responses, pulling a bottle of cough syrup from the bag.
You laughed gently, careful of your raspy throat and open the bottle, pouring yourself the recommended amount. "It's medicine, humans need to take it to get better." You downed the small cup and placed it down on the counter beside you. "Different medicines do different things. The one you and Steven got me is supposed to help with the coughing and cold." You gestured to your throat and then came to a sudden realization. "Where is Steven?" You questioned.
Spinel laughed, " Steven was starting to feel a little, peachy I think is what he said, whatever that means," she shrugged, "either way, Pearl got worried and sent him home." She grabbed another item from the bag, some cough drops, " Pearl suggested I stay with you since gems can't get sick."
You smiled, "well I'm glad you did. This would suck having to be sick and alone. Blegh." You grinned.
Spinel tilted her head and chuckled, " It would 'suck'?"
"Uh yeah," you responded frantically, forgetting that Spinel is still getting used to some human terms, "not like literal sucking but like," you blushed and cringed inwardly, "it basically means it would have been horrible, not fun, lacking enjoyment. You know, stuff like that."
Spinel laughed at your flustered expression, though covered her mouth with her hand to keep the noise down. "And what are these supposed to do?" She held up a cough drop.
"Also medicine," you picked the one out of her hand and unwrapped it, "but it's in solid form. You put it in your mouth and let it dissolve, and it helps with coughing."
"You humans have so much stuff to help with this kind of thing, huh?"
You poked out you tongue in discomfort at the taste, but kept the cough drop in none-the-less, "Being sick is horrible, it's almost like uh," you couldn't really think of a situation where gems could relate to humans in that sense but still you tried, "Like when you have to sit through hours of Pearl's lecture." Spinel made a funny face of discomfort, " That sounds horrible."
"Exactly! So that's why humans have so many solutions. It's helps make you feel better in no time. It helps your body fight back the virus so that it doesn't have to do it by yourself s Plus if you don't keep your body healthy it can get worse and worse until.." your voice trailed off, you hadn't realized you had begun to ramble, and you found a particular distaste in bringing up the death of humans.
"Humans can what?" Spinel pushed, wanting to know more about human health. You stared blankly at her, not wanting her to think your simple cold was far worse than it actually was. "Nothing important," you shrugged it off and took both her hands into yours, looking up at her with a pleading look, "Spinel do you think you can get me some water?" You asked sweetly.
"Absolutely!" She jumped up and literally began to swing out the room.
You laughed and clamped your hands together at your lap, waiting for her return. After a little bit of time, and the clanking of what you presumed was Spinel trying to find the cups, she finally made her return.
"Here you go!" She said, stretching her arm from the door to in front of you.
You chuckled and took a long drink of the water and the placed it down beside the cough medicine. Your eyes began to grow heavy.
"How much longer do you think you'll be sick?" Spinel pouted, now at your side.
You yawned and leaned towards Spinel, "I should be better by tomorrow, right now my body is using up a lot of energy to fight off the virus so I need some sleep." You looked up at her sleepily, smiling. "Thank you for all your help Spinel."
She took your hands in hers, "Of course! You're my friend!"
"Mhm." You nodded in agreement and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and later down closing your eyes, "Goodnight Spinel."
"Goodnight {Y/N}" You heard her respond, but didn't hear her leave. You smiled to yourself, covering it in the blankets. You assumed she stayed there while you slept.
Word Count: 1092

Still kind of on hiatus, sorry about that. I just wanted to release a chapter as an apology for keeping you all waiting for so long. I also wanted to thank all of you for 7k reads! Wow, that's insane. Another thing I'd like to address, is I will probably be releasing the requests out of order from when they were requested. I really wanted to avoid doing that but I found myself stumped at a particular request and stopped writing for a while because of it, so now I'm just going to write whatever will keep me updating and hit other stuff when I have better inspiration, that way you can not only get a better quality story but more frequent updates. I apologize in advance if you have to wait a while for me to get to your requests. Anyhow, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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