Beach Cuddles

666 18 0

Prompt: Headcanon
{ Fluff }
You found yourselves laughing, struggling to catch your breathe as you laid back into the warm sand, something you would surely regret later but it didn't matter at the moment. You placed your hand over your stomach and caught your breathe, finally beginning to cease laughter. "Spinel, that was amazing!" You sat up, grin wide and beaming. Spinel's face lit up and you felt your face heat up. "You really believe so?" She perked up. "Absolutely!" You scooted closer beside her, wrapping my arms with hers. "Aw geez," she rubbed at her neck, "it's really nothing. It's just what I do." You let out a short sarcastic laugh and placed a kiss on her cheek, " Oh hush, you're wonderful." You saw her hand bolt up to her necklace, an important personal item of yours which you had gifted to her as a promise, a promise you would never leave. Your smiled faded for a moment before shaking your head, refraining from dwelling into negative thoughts. "Then I suppose we're both great!" She giggled, arms wrapping around you various times, pulling you close and nuzzling her cheek into your hair. You laughed, wriggling your arms free of her gentle grasp and wrapping your arms around her, embracing the touch. You both laid there on the sand for hours.

Spinel is generally very direct when she wants affection, often taking the first move.

Word Count:
Aaa okay so, here's a small personal writing of mine. Sorry for not posting for a couple months. Admittedly I fell out of the fandom a bit and have been spending a lot of time on a more personal alt account of mine. But I'm back! And ready to write some more. Of course I'm still super busy, now more than
ever but with my new motivation to write hopefully I can get stuff out for you regularly.
Thank for reading!

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