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"Yo! Kyo check it out that girl is totally checkin' you out bruh! Dang she fine."

This is Cj my brother we go to school together an we are supposedly twins. I don't claim him though.

"*waves* hi there." I smile to the chick bashing her lashes towards me and winking. I roll my eyes to myself secretly. What's with these girls? They see me as a sex appeal.

"Dude?! Did you just turn her down?!" My brother protests.
"So what if I did?" I respond cooly

" *stiffens collar* well twin healing time! All your rejects need someone to cry to and that someone is me!"

" *rolls eyes* go get 'em tiger."

I walk off swiping my gorgeous blonde hair back cooly walking down the halls looking down. Wow.. Look at that booty. It's so-
WHAAAAAAAT?! D-did I just imagine that?! Oh god. Okay okay breath..
It's puberties fault! Making my hormones act all weird and besides THATS A GUY!
I shake the feeling off slowly walking to my locker.

"Hey Kyo my man!! What's hanging?"

This is Tucker my friend. We grew up together. It's weird that I don't find him attractive at all. Maybe its because I know his size... Stop it brain. Anyway his girlfriend... Major fangirl. She's this mega blogger on Stumplr she always talks about *yaoi.. Ahaha not that I know what that is.

"Hey Tuck."

"So listen. You got that Bolgy work right?"

Oh yeah I forgot to tell ya! I'm his super cool nerd. Literally...

"Uh yeah here *gives paper*."

" thanks dude! You're the best!"

He bro hugs me and skips away happily. Apparently to him it's not called skipping it's called a hopper jog.
I head to class after that. I just slightly look to the signs on the hall boards and something catches my eye.
It's this rainbow paper with smiley faces and white writing saying Rainbow Club: an inspiration to your gender differences.
Um. wtf? That the weirdest thing I ever saw. Without anyone looking I quickly take a sheet.

In class.

"Blah blah blah blah blah blah."

The teacher keeps talking.
I sit at the back of class I know the answers to everything and I'm super smart already so there is no reason I should listen.
I glance up to see some kid staring at me. I stare back curiously. I never seen him before who is he? On a scale one to ten. He could be a possible six maybe seven. Not bad for a *uke looking kid.

"Malik! What's the answer? If you have time to stare you can answer this question."

Snap. The teach caught me staring.

"The answer is the Irony of Shakespeare loving this women who is incredibly ugly but looking past that for true love." I answer solidly leaving the teacher kind of shocked.

"Good job..."

She continues writing and I go back to usual staring outside. The trees always look like they are dancing in the wind and they look free. I wish I was a tree sometimes. I silently check my Stumplr reading some good fan made stories about my favorite show.
I smile to myself seeing that Henry and Conner have a happy ending together. They fought the fact that they both or the same sex but loving each other.
I walk to lunch secretly following the six who was staring at me. Huh? That's weird.
You know each typical high school has the popular kids, jocks, cheerleaders and etc. Sit together. He sat with the the diff sex. That's what I call them I'm not the person to give labels you like what you like. Personally I don't know what I like so that's why I'm joining rainbow...
It looks like he's whispering something. And after that I see all of them looking at me curious. Wtf? *shakes head* I shake my head and keep on walking.
I wonder what he told them? Whatever. I shake it off and head to my usual table. The cool kids. Yes that's right blondes and brunettes hangout. Where if you have extremely sexy hair and swag you're one of us.

"Kyo. Lookin good there. *wink*."

This is Amanda. Let's just say she's in love with me I brush her off all the time but she just doesn't get it. I don't like her nor her grandma. Try being the prince in your kindergarten play and at the end a strange old lady squeezing your cheeks and calling you a cutie.
I think that's the main reason why she has a huge crush on me. I did play her Prince Charming in the play. It left girls and teachers gushing of love. And the boys, they ran in fear because they thought I had cooties.
"Amanda." I say coldly
"*clings to arm* I haven't seen you all day silly. Where have you been?"

Avoiding you

"No where just chilling around school."

"*bashes the lashes* I've missed you so my sweet."

I haven't.

"Good to know." I lied again

"You're being cold to me Kyo.. Act normal my prince." She pleads

"Stop you're embarrassing yourself princess." I give her a small wink and she blushes and goes away.

Now here is the eye candy. Quintet Armani. The sexiest guy I know. I kind of secretly have a thing for him. In a straight way maybe. I won't say I don't have those fantasies. He is so hot.
I bang my head against my hand.

"Kyo? *laughs* brain freeze?" Damn. Quintet comes over to me giving me that seductive look of his.

"Q-quintet. Haha I wasn't doing anything." I laugh weirdly hiding the red tent in my face

"It's okay I saw nothing.. Anyway I came to see if I could get you to help me study after school ya know?"

He asks me cooly and I can't say no.

"Y-yeah it's no problem. Maybe next week you can come to my place?" I tell him

*slam* he slaps his hand beside me on the wall leaning close into me.

"What if I want your help now?" He whispers into my ear breathing his steamy sloppy joe breath in my face from the lunch we are having today

"What do you mean Quintet?" I ask blushing majorly.

He gazes at me

"I want you Kyo...."

Starting this book okay so I'm a die hard YAOI fan for those who don't know ill try to keep this pg13 at the minimum >w< for those who don't know what yaoi is
Yaoi- a Japanese saying for boyxboy also sometimes meaning boy sex with boy ( in this case boy love)

Uke- a form of boy who takes the role of a girl in a two male sex relationship also meaning the girly boy.
So again if you are not the one that likes guys dating guys or boy love then I suggest you find another story to read im dedicating this story to my heart for yaoi and my support on gay rights ( I am straight-_-)
Hope you all enjoy see you in the next chapter maybe
BAII :3 :*

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