Stalker Alert

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"I-I um..." The kid stutters obviously caught.

"What's your name?" Im very curious to know. What are thou name?

"M-my name is... Is?" The boy mumbled

"His name is Sylus and I'm Berry." The so called Berry protests

"Yeah I'm Sylus.. I'm sorry for running into you.."

"Sure it's fine.." I get my stuff and walk off physically knowing by instinct I was being watched and followed.. I take a glance behind me and as soon as I do.

"I-I'm sorry! My class is t-t-this way too." So it is..

"Oh it's no prob *winks*." After I do that I see heat rise to his little cheeks

"Where's your friend?" I ask.

"Berry went back.." So I see. She left her friend alone with me.. Weird.

"Why are you following me stalker?" I ask dumb-fondly.

"A-Ah sorry.. I kinda don't know myself.. *blush*." Okay he's starting to annoy me.

"Give me the real reason." Enough games.

"Well you see. You signed the rainbow club list which means a member has to survey you to see if you qualify to join. And since I saw you.. I kinda got put on the case.." What the hell type of club is this rainbow club?!

"Oh..." I keep walking a little taken back.

"What level are you Sylus?" I ask getting to know him some.

"I'm a 3rd level. Like you. I didn't know you were like me though you know... Liking-" Sylus says before I cut him off.

"Let's set things straight pal. I'm not like you I just am having a hard time with puberty and my hormones its normal. *blush*."

"*laughs* Kyo- pfffft HAHAHAHAHA! That makes no sense! It has nothing to do with hormones. It's all on what you like silly." Sylus laughs at my statement which made me turn even redder. Are you serious? No way. Not me I shall not be embarrassed this easily..

"A-anyway Sylus. What all do you need to check me for?"


"Well?" I ask

"It's a secret." He says tapping his pink soft lips as if he were hiding something

"Hmph." I grunt silently and head to class which ironically Sylus has the same. I don't remember him as we are growing up.. If he's been living here for a while I don't remember him at all.. Is that strange? I think that as I glance being myself finding clues of exactly who he is.

After school

"Kyo." Sylus starts off. "I need you to come to our meeting this afternoon." he holds a steady gaze on me as if forcing me kind of... Is this dude some type of "Thats So Raven"?

"Okay? But why I thought all you needed was to check me out which I don't have a problem with *wink*" I do t really mind him following around all day it was entertaining.

"*blushes slightly* I-it was hard to read you all day you're so standoffish.!." He's completely flustered as I head towards my car.

"Wait- Kyooooo!" He shouts

"We can pick up tomorrow I have homework." *starts car*

I speed away from school and towards Burger Slings trying to find a nice quick meal. I don't really care for my moms food. It's not my taste.

Later afterwards I make it home to an empty house and a note.

"Gone for a while take care. Use my card to get food and stuff if you need it."

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