Prologue: The Miserable Leif

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So I got this idea but Im not sure if it's worth writing out. Let me know possibly if it's worth it. I didn't edit this.

"Leif!" Zahra practically yelled as she came up behind me.

"Hey..." okay as bad as that sounds I'm just tired. She's also just too loud.

"Stayed up until 3 am again didn't you?"


"Leif you need to stop! This isn't healthy!" Zahra protested.

"I don't see a problem with it! I'm doing fine in school and I'm semi healthy!"

Oh I found a problem... I'm moody.

Zahra stares at me with a bland face. "When was the last time you ate?"

"Last night. And where did this even come from?"

"Why not today? You do know breakfast is a thing right?" She goes on completely ignoring my question.

*insert eye roll here*

"Yes. I know breakfast is a thing I'm just to lazy to get it in the morning." I mean its the truth just not the whole truth you know.

"Oh and what about your medicine! Have you been taking that?!" My headache meds...

"I haven't gotten any headaches lately..."

"That's bullshit and you know it." She stares up towards my face with a annoyed but also concerned expression.

I know she's just worried about me but she's over exaggerating. Besides she has other more important issues she should be worrying about. She's the top student in the school so the whole school relies on her so why she feels the need or even has the time to worry about me is beyond me.

"I know that look! Leif stop putting yourself down!!" She points at me with a threatening finger as we walk into first period.

"Zahra can you just... drop it please? I told you I'll work on myself. " And with that I go to my seat in the front row as she heads to the far right side of the room.


Its all Leif's parents fault. They neglect him so much. They have never noticed the way his wrists get red and irritated at least twice a month(thankfully he hasn't fully cut just violent scratching) they haven't noticed that he's lost a bunch of weight over the two years he has been here. They don't care that he doesn't wear his glasses or that all he wears are baggy clothing. They haven't noticed how he isolates himself or that he barely talks or can't even hold a conversation with most people or how he suffers in silently like nothing is wrong. It's Just so frustrating!! Knowing someone is suffering but you can't do anything about it...

But than again who am I to say anything... He barely ever talks about himself or his problems. I've even confronted him about being closed off but he just responded with. "Why would I tell my secrets to someone I won't be talking to in a few years." He doesn't trust people and from what I've seen I don't even think he trusts his family either. He's only 17 and all he sees in people are the negatives.

I've tried to get him to change but since he doesn't trust me he just let's it in one ear and out the other. SERIOUSLY SOMEONE BETTER COME ALONG AND FIX THIS KID!!!(not that anything is WRONG with him per say it's just the way he is now just isn't healthy and I just want him to be happy)

As I finish getting my things out for first period the teacher walks in. I was surprised when Mx. Fay was late they are usually always early but as soon as I saw (who I'm assuming are new students) follow in after them I understood why they were late.

"Goodmorning everything!" Mx. Fay started as they approached their desk a little left of the bored centered on the front wall. "As I'm sure you noticed we have two new students!" Mx. Fay said as they took a sip of their coffee. "Please introduce yourselves and how the heck we are supposed to tell you apart."

And at that exact moment. I got the worst gut feeling I've had in a while.

I refocused on the front of the class only to see the two newbies staring at a obvious Leif.

God damn hounds already noticed.

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