hi pt.2

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when the new kids came in all the girls fell silent and the room temperature raised 2°.

And the boys were sending off a weird vibe like suddenly their pheromones kicked in. (Probably because they felt protective of their "territory" like grow up you aren't wolves.)

Usually when new kids come to class everyone would look at them silently (maybe not purposely) judging them but not me. Now it's not anything like "oh I don't judge people because I believe no one should be judged by their appearance" or some stupid shit like that.The reason I wasn't looking is because even if I did I wouldn't see their faces.

(You can skip this part if you want it just an explanation of how Leif sees. More information will be given later on in the story)

Now I don't know if it is like this for other people but the further away someone is the less details I can pick up( if something is over a foot away you can't even dream about me seeing it clearly). And because I see in grayscale it's almost impossible for me to use color to help differentiate what something is. Than the lights do me not justice either. Because the cones in my eyes don't work not only do I not see color but I also can't filter light through my eyes. So if a room is to bright I get headaches.

(Bad explanation I know but this is just the start I don't want to give too much away)

"Hello I'm Luke and this is my-" He makes a slight gesture pointing to the boy on his right."- twin brother Asher."

I don't even need to look up to tell the girls are already lusting after the new kids. Now don't get me wrong I give my occasional wanting stare to people but at least I don't go around pushing out my assets for everyone to see.

"Have you two been shown around the school yet?" Mx. Fay said from behind their desk. There was a moment of silence before Mx. Fay continued. "Alright than why don't we have someone show you around than!" They must've shook their heads no or something. "Oh why not you Leif!"



Than suddenly the room went up in a roar. "WHY THE BLIND KID?!!" " WHY NOT ME!?" "THAT'S NOT FAIR!!" "THIS IS-"

"ENOUGH." Mx. Fay's voice boomed through the classroom silencing all the rowdy students. "First of all he is legally blind not blind. There is a difference. Secondly he seems to be the only mature person in this room and your uproar only proved my hypothesis correct." Everyone looks either slightly guilty or just pissed off. "Now Leif please come and show the twins around."

I sat silent and motionless for a moment before reluctantly standing and walking towards the door. As I walk out the door the twins seem to realize they are supposed to be following me and quickly catch up.

After a few moments of awkward silence I suddenly stopped turning around and pointed to the doubt doors I stopped in front of. "This is the lunch room." Than turned back around and kept walking.

"Um... excuse me?" This is the brother that didn't talk. His voice is deep and strong but also pleasant and appealing. While on the other hand Luke's voice is clear and kinda dances around your eardrum.

"Yes?" I say with my back to them still walking.


Things just keep getting more awkward. How did Mx. Fay think it was a good idea to have the socially awkward dying kid be the tour guide. Not one of their brightest moments.

"Well are you going to ask a question or-"

"Are you really blind?" Luke blurted out

Of course out of all the questions. I stop in my tracks amd turn around to them giving no effort to hide I'm annoyance. "What have you never seen someone who doesn't have 20/20 vision?"

"We have it's just-"

"Just what? Are you curious or are you pitying me?"

"Both...?" Asher quietly said with his head slightly down. Well at least they are honest.

"I'll give you each three questions. No more no less. Got it?" This may sound bitchy but that's a good thing. I haven't even gotten a clear view of their faces but I can feel a weird vibe coming from them. I don't know what it is but it kinda feels dangerous? Or maybe that's not the right word but all I know is they aren't your average teenage boys.

They both nod their heads and I continue the tour.

"What is your vision...?" Luke asks. He sounds unsure of his question maybe not entirely sure if he could start asking questions right away. Or if it is because the thick blanket if awkwardness that seems to appear whenever I'm alone with people.

"Last time I checked it was 20/250. Which here in the United states means I'm legally blind."

"Wait what's the difference?" This time it was Asher who asked the question.

"I can still see? I don't know. depends on your definition of what being blind means." I shrugged my shoulders not entirely sure of myself.

"Is there any... you know...anything..-" I appreciate the fact that Luke is being slightly considerate of my feelings but this is annoying.

"Is there anything else wrong with me?" When i finished I turned my head back towards the twins questionably.

I think Luke nodded his head slightly but I'm not entirely sure so I just keep staring at him. "O-oh Yeah that's what I meant..."

"Will I see in grayscale and have extreme light sensitively." I turn back around and continue to point out things as we passed them.

"Wait really? What color shirt am I wearing?" Asher's voice was practically dripping with curiosity like a child.

"Ask that one more fucking time and think dumbass. One more question for each of you." I hear a slapping sound followed by a whispering argument. Of course I just had to listen in.

"Are you a dumbass?!" Luke whisper yelled

"I don't see what's so wrong with asking what color my shirt is!" Dumbass whisper yelled back to his brother.

"Asher! Think! Use all the mighty power of your remaining brain cells and THINK!" at this point they aren't even whispering anymore.

Suddenly they went silent probably noticing how loud they were "whispering".

"Hey Leif how old are you?" Luke asks is a stupidly sweet voice.


"What's your sexuality?" First off wtf. Secondly where the fuck did this come from. And thirdly wtf.

"And that concludes the tour for today and a eternity. Now leave me the fuck alone before I poison you lunch." I say as I reenter Mx. Fay's room grab my things than leave the room right as the bell rings.

That made me feel so cool! And the bell! The timing!

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