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Luke POV:

Me and Asher follow Mx. Fay to their classroom. As we got closer thing... got
'Do you smell that?' I ask Asher through the mind link. The smell wasn't bad if anything it was the complete opposite.. I was like the smell after a fresh fluffy snow fall but their was a hint of vanilla. The smell over took the gross stench of  body odor and the artificial smells of body strays and perfume. It was faint but man was is addictive. 'Obviously I smell it dumb bitch. It our mate fucktard how slow can you be?!'
'... your a asshole.'

We continue to walk through the halls but one locker has a small buildup of the smell and I make a mental note that it's our mates locker or at least one of their friends locker or-... my mind just went to a place... currently can not tell if I'm jealous, mad, or sad.

But yeah we eventually get to the classroom and as soon as I walk through the door it's like I was being consumed by our mates smell. Not complaining though.. we make our way to the from of the room and my eyes scan the room from back to front looking for our mate and of course I found... him? I don't care either way it's just I can't tell if they are a boy... they have their head down and their body was small and petit like a girls. They had on a black baggy hoodie with a longer black shirt under it and skinny jeans that have rips in them. Their hair was also black on one side and red on the other.

'We have a emo mate...' Asher says through the mind link.

'A cute emo mate though.' Granted I haven't seen their face but I can just tell it'll be adorable and or sexy.

I kinda let my wolf take over for a moment to so he can see our mate. My wolf is mute for reasons I don't know because you know... he can't talk... but he gave me his name which is Max. Max didn't say anything but I could feel his happiness. You may be wondering how my eyes didn't change color it's because I have color contacts in so yeah...

I didn't even notice Mx. Fay was talk until they told us to introduce ourselves. Seeing that Asher was spaced out I took action and did the talking.

"My name is Luke and" I jester towards Asher "this is my twin brother Asher." When I look at our mate they haven't moved even a little bit and that seemed to hurt me a little.

"Have you two been showed around the school yet?" Asher shakes his head a little finally looking away from our mate. Mx. Fay seems to think for a second before saying. "Leif why don't you show them around for this class period? "

Looking back at the class I wonder who this Leif is. Than suddenly the class erupted. Most of the students where complaining about how this Leif person is blind or some shit like that.

But yeah anyway you know the rest of this so let's skip to lunch because nothing to interesting happens in class:)


During lunch time me and Asher were looking for Leif when suddenly this chick with black hair and brown eye walks up to us. It was very obvious that she was a vampire. Her smell was sorta empty if that made sense there wasn't anything else beside her flowery perfume.

Werewolves and vampires don't have a bad relationship considering we fought together in the war. vampire and werewolves can even be mates(it happens more than one would think it does) but some of the older vampires have bad impressions on werewolves because over the past 1000 years werewolves have evolved from their previous rapid nature. And for some reason vampires from that time just cant accept the face that werewolves have gotten smarter. Why this is I have no idea.

"Hello...?" Asher says as this girl is standing right in front of us.

"Listen wolves. I have no idea how you found Leif but I swear to Satan if you even think about doing anything then I'll report your pack to the SN Council and have you all arrested or even executed." You could tell by the way she was talking that she was dead serious. But I'm confused as to way the SN Council would have to be involved.

I look at the girl in confusion. "Why would the SN Council have to be involved with a simple mate pairing..?" Granted two people having the same mate is rare but it's certainly not unheard of. And all of us being male doesn't change anything either. LGBTQ+ mate pairing are nothing rare for werewolves anyway.

So what would make this a situation of importance for the SN Council?

"Oh please." She rolls her eyes. "Like I would believe you just so happened to get mated with a descendent of Loki."

(As much as I would love it the Loki I'm talking about is NOT the Loki from the Avengers movies)

"And besides why would a pack move out here? Sure we are in the middle of no where but we're also right near the ocean and the last time I checked you dogs hate salt."

"Last time I checked vampires hate it even more. So what are you doing here?" I say right back.

"Hey~!" I look over and see a girl with blond hair and green eyes walking up. She was swinging her hip so much it looked like she was dislocating them. Honestly worried for her joints. "I noticed this nerd was bothering you two~ you guys are the new kids right? Why don't you come and sit with me and my friends?" Is it just me or does it sound like she's not asking? She walked right up to me and Asher linked her arms with ours and started walking over towards her friends

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