Runaway Bride

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Chapter 1: The day it all started.

It was the day of the wedding. I was scared out of my mind. There was no turning back now, I had to marry David. It's what my parents wanted. I always loved my parents so much, I'll do anything for them; even marry someone I didn't even love. I loved Zack, but there's nothing I can do. You see, my parents are very good friends with the Washington's. I've known David my whole life, but I never thought our parents would force us to marry. I can't stand the idea of marrying my best friend. Of course we'll have no children. I've told my parents this but they still insist we marry, I don't know why they are making me go through this! I love Zack NOT David. And David loves Caroline NOT me. If you're wondering what's going on, I wouldn't be able to tell you. One minute my parents are talking to the Washington's, then the next I'm going to be Mrs. Washington. It reminds me of being a president for a strange reason. I was once Miss. Snow. Yes, I know it's not the best last name in the world but it's better than Mrs. Washington. I mean come on! Well enough babbling on about that, anyways. I am getting married like I said before, but I think I have changed my mind. I'm going to tell everyone I need a minute and then make a run for it. My dress is short enough I won't trip and my shoes are in that bag........ I think I can make it, uh-oh here comes mom. "Hey honey, you-" I cut her off before mom could say anything else. "Mom I need a minute okay? So if you could just have everyone out there, so I can just take a couple deep breaths and think for myself, okay?" Of course my mom just said "okay darling" with out having a clue of what I was actually going to do. She left, shut the door and then I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down 'Mom, Dad, David ,Mr. and Mrs. Washington; I can't go through with this marriage, David is far from the one I love and I know he belongs to Caroline. I'm sorry to run away on today of all days, but Zack is the one I love. I may be back in a couple of months or weeks. I don't know how long I'll be gone for, I'll probably call. I love you all.
~Love, Elena~'

The wind was like a whip hitting me, and my hair flying in my face. But I just kept running, not stopping till I got to my destination: which was Zack's house. Even though I am only 19, I know Zack is the one. He is 20 years old, only 1 year older than me. Zack and I have been dating for 7 years, so when I was12 he was13 and we've been in love ever since. I'm hitting 8th street now, just a block more and then they'll be..... Oh-NO I forgot. Zack went out wit Brian today because he couldn't stand the fact of seeing me marry someone else! Where were they going again? The mall....Fishing.... CRAP! They're going to the Carnival with Brian's daughter Tammy. She's 4 and loves the carnival! How could I forget that? Oh, god. That's about a 4 hour drive there. I might as well start going now, maybe I can find them. Let me try his cell. Ringing, ringing, ringing..... PICK UP...ringing...... 'Hello you've reached Za-' then I slammed the phone shut before I could hear the rest of the voice mail. I'm glad I left my Mustang in David's drive way. He only lives a block more away from Zack......And... God I am such an idiot! I forgot my bag that has my keys in it! I can't help but keep thinking that my life is the complete opposite of a fairy tale in some ways. It's more of a nightmare. WAIT! I have an idea. Zack took Brian's car, and Zack has my extra keys....... just got to find them..... "YES!" I screamed out loud. I found them then I ran back to David's house. I wonder if they figured..... Then all I heard was my ring tone "Hey soul sister ain't that mister, mister on the radio stereo" I saw who the name was. Mom. I couldn't bear to talk to her now so I just let the phone ring. I hopped in my Mustang and went speeding 90 miles. Of course I slowed down when I got to the highway only because there were cops all around. My phone was ringing and ringing every second. I was trying to grip the steering wheel while crying and my site was getting blurry. While I was driving, I almost hit a car. But I kept going and going till the point where I had to pull into an empty lot. And just blasted the music and cried till there was nothing left inside of me. Then I started driving again. From there, I never stopped the car, unless I really had to. Then finally, I reached the carnival. I ran through the carnival, while everyone watched and stared at me as my eyes filled once again and I swallowed down the pain that could have come from my throat. But suddenly, I started to laugh to myself. People are seeing a woman, face all red, eyes that are blood shot with bags, make up and hair done running in a white dress. Wow, they must think I'm insane. She thought she was insane her self. She went to every ride and every food stand. She even went into the 'girls' bath room. Nothing. Then I saw him. I SAW HIM! It's Zack. Then suddenly, the corners of my mouth curved upward into the biggest smile I've smiled in months. Then I heard Zack's voice, "ELENA!" "What are you doing? You're supposed to get married! What's going on? Does your mother know your here!?" Zack just piled on the questions while Brian just stood there wide eyed and amazed. I don't know why, he knows how much I love Zack there's no hiding that. Then I just answered only one question. "I couldn't marry him. I love YOU and YOU only. I need to go now or they'll find me. I was hoping you would run away with me, will you?" Then, suddenly Zack took my hand and we ran he yelled back to Brian "Call me, and don't let anyone know where we are going Brian! Thanks you're the best, have fun on the ride home Tammy!" Then we were running as fast as our feet could carry us. Not stopping at all. I let Zack drive only because he drives a lot better than me. I asked him, "Where are we going anyways?" And all he could do was smile, a bigger smile then he had on his face before. Suddenly I had an urge to say something, it burned in my throat so badly to say it; I wanted him to know how I felt. I really do mean it. Then I said, "I love you more than anything Zack, forever and always." When I said that, we were at a red light and then he bent in close, whispered in my ear as I felt his breathe on my hair and he said "I love you, and I would take on the world to be with you." Then he kissed me......... Not after long, we were almost at the "mystery spot" (as he preferred to call it.) He's got such an imagination. I rolled my eyes every time he said it was a "mysterrrryy!" but he made it sound all spooky and stuff. He's such a 5 year old. And that thought made me giggle out loud. Zack already knew what I was thinking and he just rolled his gorgeous brown eyes. I loved those eyes; they're dark, dark brown like mine and have a sparkle to them. They have a smile in themselves. I just stared into his eyes for a while. He looked at me questioningly a couple times but I just sat there and stared at him. Finally he said, being the joker he is, "What, is there something in my teeth???" He was always like this. Never really cared about what other people thought. He was his own person and no one was going to change him. That's another thing I love about him. He's just so, him. He said '20 more minutes!' and my heart started to pound. I don't know why, I wasn't worried about him bringing me back to David I knew that I didn't have to worry about that. Then again he said '10 minutes!!!' this time my heart didn't beat with nervousness but with excitement. Zack was very exotic; I guess it's the best way to describe him. While I was zoning out for a while, I hadn't realized that he was slowing down, looking for something I guess. For another 5 minutes he was going 20 miles per hour. He was singing to the songs on '92 Pro FM' all of a sudden he woke me from my daze when he started singing crazily 'oh, oh evacuate the dance floor, I'm effected by the sound' I started cracking up, almost at the point of snorting. Then Zack was laughing at me. Then we just met eyes for a few seconds, but our eyes told each other everything. They just did. We understood each other so well, it was impossible to separate us. I think I've proven this point earlier. Oh. I completely forgot about the wedding. How could I of though? I mean I forgot the veil on and the white dress, so white. I told Zack that I was going to go change in the back. I brought my cargo pants and a comfortable T-shirt. I felt a little sob try to claw up my throat but I swallowed it back down. Then after I dozed off for a couple of minutes I finally awoke and realized we came to a stop. We're here."Oh, My, God!" I said softly to myself. It was where we first met, where I fantasized that I would marry Zach right here someday. I remember it like it was yesterday; we were both invited to the same party, one of the 9th graders was holding. And if you were a 7th/8th grader to get invited to party, you had to be important. That's where we met. Now, this wasn't any house party, this house was at the beach. Such a beautiful view too. Our friends introduced Zack and me, and we just instantly connected. It wasn't normal for someone to fall for someone else so quickly with out evening saying hello. But I guess I'm not normal much. Well you see this place is so important to me. Zach and I haven't been here for awhile together. Then Zach couldn't sustain the silence any longer. And he said "This is where it all started. It's my most favorite place in the world." "Mine two." I said softly, I could barley hear myself. Then we turned, faced each other...... We just stared at each other. For about 10 minutes just looking at each other. Like we could see through each other, we could read each others thoughts. Then we both leaned in, about to kiss..... "ELENA!!!" I heard the voice, angry but happy. Oh no! I knew that voice! It's mom! How'd she find me?? DANG' IT! I forgot that I've told her about this place. She was mad. She sounded furious at me. I looked at him and we both knew. We ran for the car. WOW. She brought everyone. They caught Zack and me. One of David's cousins was just about to Punch Zack in the face when I escaped from the girls holding me down and stopped the punch and then punched him in the face. Now everyone was watching me. Shocked at what I've just done. I don't know why their so surprised. They knew I was strong and if anyone touches Zack, their going to get it bad. Then it took 2 other guys to hold down Zack, because David's Cousin slapped me. If there wasn't already 4 people holding me down, he would've gotten it. They CAN'T force me to marry David. I know I said that I'd do anything for my parents. But not after what just happened. I thought it wasn't humanly possible to love Zack more. I was way off. Just wait. I may walk down that aisle I'm going to make a run for it. Just you watch me. Of course they dragged me back to the wedding. I put up such a fuss. They just left Zach at the beach. His smile turned into a big frown. But he was only acting because he knew where to meet me. He's just smart like that. I pretended like I "wanted" to marry David. They fell for it. But this time they didn't give me time to "think" before

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