Runaway Bride chpt. 3

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Chapter 3: Bloody Bride.

Do you Elena take Zack to be your lovely wedded husband?" "I do" I said. "Do u Zach take Elena to be your lovely wedded wife?" "I do" said Zach. Then after the whole thing you go through and say I do and stuff, we were just about to put the rings on each others fingers. Just as the priest said "I now pronounce you husband and wife" We were kissing, but just in 5 seconds of our kissing my mom came bursting in the door. David and Caroline got married at the same time as us and the priest went back and forth. So when my mother and the Washington's saw the 4 of us all kissing. They were shocked. But we weren't. I was the only one brave enough to speak up though and I said softly, but roughly "it's too late. We're married." then Zach and I held up our rings and held hands, Caroline and David did the same thing. It didn't matter if they approved of us. It just didn't. My mom was even more furious looking than before. She was out raged beyond belief. The Washington's were just shocked. Zack's parents and Caroline's were here with us at the wedding. They almost looked scared of these people. I mean my parents and David's are rich. I hate using that word. I don't look like I am rich though, I don't like to act like it either......... "MOM DON'T!" I screamed shocked! My mother had a gun! A... a... a machine gun!? Holy cracker jacks! Where'd she get that from? I mean how... I mean... I... I.... OH MY GOD! I didn't think this would push her so much. I knew there was something my mother was hiding from my father and me. She talked to Lacey a lot. She's the maid. And they'd been going out and talking privately a lot. But we never thought anything of it. WOW. I've been so wrong about my mother. She's been drinking again hasn't she!? I bet you she has! If she has one drink, she looses her mind. I thought she quit years ago. What's been happening to my mom? Where's the mom I've had for years and believed in what was right and wrong. Why am I thinking about this at a time like this! "GET DOWN EVERYONE ON THE GROUND" My mother was shouting at all of us. She sounded drunk, she didn't know what she was talking about she pointed the gun at Brian. Then she pointed it at Bonnie and ended up pointing it at Tammy. She kept her gun pointed at Tammy. "No, mom please, please, please put the gun down mother. Tammy's so young. Don't do this to her. If anyone, shoot me. Not Tammy she's so young!" I cried out with no control, my voice shaking. "s-sh-she reminnnds m-me of you" My mother's voice stuttered, and she couldn't pronounce the words right half the time but, we all understood her. "And I ha-hat-ha-hate you!" Then my mother shot the gun. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I said screaming I ran I jumped right in front of Tammy....... I'm bleeding it's all I remember... "NO!" I heard a voice... I think it was Zack's I, I can't tell. "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE" another person's voice came into my hearing range. Brian? Everything went blank.....

"Doctor is she going to be okay?"I said to the doctor. "Well Zack, she got hit in her stomach, it just missed her lungs, I'm sure she'll be fine. It might take her a couple of days to come around though." the Doctor was telling me about how Elena was doing. It's all my fault. I should have jumped to save Tammy. But Elena is just so much faster than me. I'm worried sick about her! I don't know what I can do. I mean I can't do anything medically to help her. I feel kind of bad, I mean not just because of Elena getting hurt, but my secret. My secret I've never told anyone. I'm a vampire. How am I supposed to tell the love of my life? Am I supposed to just go up to her and say 'Hey babe, I'm a vampire and I'm going to out live you and I drink blood. But don't worry only animal's blood. I think we shouldn't get a dog, or cat; that'd be a bad idea. So you're all cool with this right?' I'm guessing she'd either laugh or just go off calling the mental home. Then I would have to show her and she'd probably go off screaming her head off and maybe even die from shock. I am nothing with out my Elena, nothing. I don't know what I am going to do. Well I guess I'm going to get her some chocolates and a teddy bear. I know she'll love both.

Ouch. Why does my stomach hurt so much? Oh, I remember. Mom shot me. I forgot about that. Where's Zack!? Did he get hurt? "ZACK!? Where are you? What's going on did you get hurt? Are you here? Zack!?" I was yelling frantically. Then I felt a familiar hand. It was Zack's. "Shh, I'm right here honey, its okay. Don't worry. And no I didn't get hurt. I'm fine, how are you feeling? You've been asleep for a couple of day. I got you a teddy bear and some chocolate. I know white chocolate is your favorite." Zack told me calmly. I just said "thank you. I'm fine now that your here.", and gave him a huge grin. He kissed my forehead and he handed me the chocolate. I really was hungry, and the chocolate hit the spot. Then I saw that something was wrong with Zack I asked him, "Zack what's wrong? Is something bothering you?" "Well, yes. Something is, but I can't tell you here." said Zack. It kind of scared me; I thought maybe he didn't love me anymore. I don't know why.......... Oh god. Was Zack going to break up with me? Did he think this was all a mistake to marry me? Does he not love me? AHH! I can't stand this anymore. I just suddenly blurted out loud, "IS THIS SOMETHING YOU HAVE TO TELL ME IS THAT YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE!" oh no!! I clasped both my hands on my mouth shocked at my own words. His expression wide with surprise at first then softened. "No, it has NOTHING to do with that; I love you too much to do that to you. I promise I'll never leave you." Few I felt a lot better after hearing him say that and I know when he's lying too. And this was not a lie. "What is it then? Please, it's killing me to know!"I said.

She wanted to know so badly. I whispered softly, "I know it is I can hear your thoughts." Then she almost heard what I said and she said "what? Did u say something?" I nodded my head 'no'. Then I said "just wait 1 more day, okay babe?" Then she said softly trying to put a warm smile on her face "okay honey, I love you" Then I couldn't help but smile. "I love you, forever and always." she replied with a soft whisper, "Forever and always." I know I'm going to fall asleep. I'm so tired. I.. I....

I think Zack finally fell asleep. I got up and put a blanket on him. He's so sweet looking when he sleeps. He's like my personal guardian angel. He was mine, and mine alone. He slept all day. He must be really tired. You know, I've noticed that his eyes changed color. His eyes are usually dark, dark brown. Then they turned Green, like a leaf in the summer. It was like looking into a rain forest. Then just recently, his eyes were sky blue. It was like looking outside on a sunny day. I read about that... But it was in my abnormal class... about...about... Vampires!? Nah, he couldn't be one. Even though all the signs are there.... I think he is one. I know that's a big jump. But I can tell. We've learned a lot about vampires I can't believe I've actually kissed one. I mean that in a good way. I'm so excited that he MIGHT be a vampire! I'm going ask him when he wakes up. Even if he isn't, he won't think I'm crazy and dump me. He understands me all too well. Today was the last day I would have to stay at the hospital. I was so happy to finally get out of here! I could sing; well if I actually had a good voice I would sing. You know, I really do think he's a vampire now. It's like something's telling me. Deep inside that he is. But that's okay if he is. I mean seriously, he hasn't hurt me for a long time. I think I can trust him. I think he's gotten weak. I'm going to let him drink my blood. It won't bother me much. Then maybe he'll turn me into one. That would be awesome. It would be like Romeo and Juliet, with out the dyeing part. I wonder when he'll tell me. I think I'm just going to go straight out and tell him what I think. I think that might be the best way. Let him know that it's okay. I'll still love him....

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