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I slowly stood off the ground with tense muscles. I swayed on my feet but quickly righted my self. I bent down picked up my bag and turned to face Dabi. "Soo Izuku... the place I stay at-umm might not be the best but at least there will be a roof over your head. Dabi said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck a small smile quirking up his lips stretching the stapled skin but the expression was quickly lost in the staples. Dabi turned on his heel and walked out the mouth of the ally way. Wiping my tear-stained face I quickly followed behind. My long boney tail dragging behind me. 

As we were walking I noticed that we started to get farther and farther from the city. The once active streets and nice-looking neighborhoods became barren streets and very little to no houses, the few that were there were worn down and looked as though they would collapse any minute. But there were many old warehouses and looked as though it use to be a nice neighborhood if the old rusting playground is anything to go by. Up ahead there was a small warehouse that looked like it's seen better days. Dabi quickly slipped inside leaving me standing outside not really knowing what to do. After what felt like hours but what was really seconds Dabi poked his head out from inside and beckoned me in. I quickly walked in and Dabi leads me down a long hallway until a set of double doors came into view. Dabi opens the doors and motioned for me to go in. I quickly walked in and Dabi followed behind closing the doors after him. 

"soo umm this is where we will be staying as I said it isn't much by a long shot but at least you will have a roof over your head," Dabi said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

A small smile made it's way across my lips. Just the thought of someone going out of there way just to give me... A useless, worthless piece of trash a place to stay even if it isn't the best quality it's still a place to stay none the less. I turned to Dabi. Tail, and wings fluttering from the motion and gave a big smile as tears started to gather in the corner of my eyes. "Umm are you ok," Dabi asked uncertainty laced in his voice with a hint of concern. I ran over to Dabi enveloping him in bone-crushing hug wings and tail all wrapping around him. "Thank you so much! This is the most anyone has ever done for me. Thank you so so much." I said as I sobbed onto Dabi. A few moments later two strong arms wrapped around my back under my wings hugging me back. This hug felt almost like his mother's hugs, which were warm and comforting but it had more of a brotherly vibe to it more than anything else. A few more moments pass and I let go of Dabi and take a step back.  My eyes were red and puffy from crying so much in the span of a couple of hours. "I'm sorry about crying on you," I mumbled quietly. Dabi quickly shook his head. "No, It's ok if you need a shoulder to cry on I can give you mine," Dabi said with a reassuring smile. I nodded my head with a small smile. "well since it's pretty late why don't we go to sleep ya." Dabi said as he headed over to the couch that I just noticed now. It looked as though it's seen better days. "You can sleep on the futon," Dabi called from his spot on the couch. The futon was next to the couch with a blanket and what looked to be a thin sheet. I walked over and put my bad down and opened it up to grab a couple of blankets that I was able to snag. I looked over at Dabi who was starting to fall asleep on the couch. It looked like all he had was just the clothes that were on his back. He had black ripped jeans with a white T-shirt and a black jacket with the sleeves going to about his elbow. He looked like he could use a blanket so I slowly walked over and poked his arm till he cracked his eye open. "umm I brought a couple of b-blankets if you want one," I stuttered out. Dabi stared at me for a minute before reaching out for the blanket in my hands. I handed it off to him and went back to the futon and laid down and wrapped myself into a fluffy burrito of blankets. Or as much as my wings would let me. My tail wrapped around my waist and I was quickly lulled to sleep by the crickets.

I awoke the next morning to a string of curses leaving Dabi's mouth as he hopped around on one foot while holding the other. I watched for a moment longer before giggle. He looked over at me and gave me a stink eye. "You think that funny," he said but without malic. I giggled some more before shaking my head. He stood up straight and made his way over to me. Dabi loomed over me and slowly bent down. He stared at me with a mirthful smirk before tickling me. That was the first time I laughed in a long time. My wings fluttered as I laughed, my tail swaying happily behind me. 

After the tickle attack, Dabi relented and sat down next to me. He looked down at his lap before saying "You remind me of my brother Shoto, I miss him so much I miss all of my family. Except for that flaming piece of shit of a father." Dabi went quiet and I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him in a comforting hug. After a moment Dabi reached over and tried to hug back but my wings were in the way so I flattened them onto my back so he could wrap his arms around me. After a few minutes, we let go and Dabi stood up brushing off the imaginary dust from his pants. He held out a hand for me, I grabbed his hand and he hoisted me up.

"so umm you hungry," Dabi started as he walked up to a mini-fridge that was in the corner of the room. I was about to answer when he suddenly turned on his heal right after he opened the fridge. "Never mind there's no food so ughh yeah" I looked at him for a minute before I walked over to my bag and started to dig through it. "aha found them" I turned around holding out two Granola bars. I handed one to Dabi. I opened mine and started to munch.

It's been about a month since I met Dabi. We started a routine of waking up talking for a little than doing what needs to be done before having lunch. Before dinner, we would hang out and just bask in the presence of each other. Then go to sleep and do the same the next morning. But there were some nights where I couldn't. Where all I could think about was how I killed my mother or how useless I was. Those nights I would sneak out and go to one of the abandoned playgrounds. 

Like I was doing now. I walked down to the park that was only about a 5-minute walk from the "house." As I drew closer to the playground I could see a figure on the swings where I would usually hang out in. I slowly made my way closer as to not startle the person on the swings. As I got closer I noticed that it was a girl about my age. They had two messy buns on either side of their head. They were also wearing some kind of skirt and cardigan. I quickened my pace just a little to ask why the girl was out so late. "Hey, girl, why are you out so late, shouldn't you be home right now. You know to sleep." The girl jumped then looked up at me from the swing. Her yellow cat-like eyes seem to glow in the dark. "Umm, I don't have anywhere to go" The girl mumbled barely above a whisper. Her blond hair creating a shadow over her eyes as he put her head down. "Well, why don't you have anywhere to go," I asked mentally deciding if I should bring her back with me to Dabi to see if he could help. "My parents locked me out saying that my quirk was for a villain and that I was going to hurt them." The girl said. "What's your quirk if you don't mind me asking. I won't judge if you look at me I look pretty scary with my quirk."  She bit her lip before hesitantly saying "Well my quirk is called Transform, basically, if I drink the blood of someone then I can become that person for a short amount of time, but my parents think it's a villains quirk so they don't like me around the house." "Your quirk isn't a villains quirk imagine how good of an underground hero you could be, like Eraserhead, you could be great in stealth or in cases where you need to infiltrate a villains base and go undercover as one of them." The girl stared at Izuku with aw all shinning in her eyes. "Really you think I could become a hero even with a villains quirk like mine." The girl all but shouted. Izuku nodded his head and the girl jumped off the swing encompassing the boy in a bone-crushing hug. "Your quirk is cool too and by the way the names Toga nice to meet you." Toga introduced herself with an outstretched hand waiting for the boy to introduce himself back. "Ohh um-nice to meet you Toga I'm Izuku," Izuku said while grabbing her outstretched hand giving it a shake. "Well, Toga if you don't have a place to stay you can maybe stay with me and Dabi. Ohh if your wondering Dabi is the onewhotookmeinwhenhefoundmtinaallyanddicidedtohelpmeandtakemeinandmaydehecoulddothesamethingforyouorsomething..." Izuku started one of his mumblings fits making Toga back up a step from the mumbling boy. "Ohh sorry I was mumbling again I do that sometimes sorry," Izuku said while sheepishly rubbing his neck, a habit he had caught from Dabi. " Yeah, that would be great Toga cheered. "Ok let's go," Izuku said while turning on his heel and walking back to the warehouse nightmares completely forgotten.

Again sorry people for not posting and all that jazz just been really busy and haveing some family complications. Hopefully, I can start writing more often and update sooner. Well, I hope you enjoyed this and goodnight or morning.

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