Chapter 5

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-Surprise! I deiced to update tonight because I finished it early! Yaay<3

- just a reminder, I posted a picture of Alyson in chapter 4 for those of you who didn't see it or wants to see it, it's there!(:

-A couple more things, this chapter skips a few days ahead because I didn't want to write about the funeral, i thought it was to depressing to write about, but Isabel will be talking about the funeral in this chapter. Which brings me too, Isabel will be remembering things from the funeral. So it will seem kinda like a dream but its not. You will understand once you get there(:

-Okay, enough of my talking! Go on to reading...enjoy!(:

**sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes.**


Chapter 5

Isabel Martin:

"Are you all packed sweetie?" My aunt said rubbing my back as I zipped up my last bag.

I kept my eyes on my bag and slowly nodded. "Don't worry sweetie. Im sure everyone in town will make you feel welcome." She whispered. I could hear the smile on her face, but I didn't look or say anything.

I nodded my head again and looked at her from the side, nervously. I don't know why I was acting this way, I guess the lost of my parents really did change me.

My aunt sighed quietly and gave me a sympathetic look. "I'll send your brother up to get your bags." She said quietly before slowly leaving my room.

I sighed and plopped down on my bed next to my two leopard print bags filled with all my clothes. I looked around my room and sighed again.

I'm really going to miss the place.This is where I grew up. Every memory I have is held in this room...this house. From first learning how to walk to talking on the phone all night as a young teenager. The memory of the person I use to be but most of all, the memory of my happy, exciting, and loving parents. My vision slowly started getting blurry by tears. I feel like if I leave this house, I'll loose my parents all over again. All the good and bad memories I've had here, my parents were always there for me. I don't know how much I can handle. I lost my parents, lost my home and lost the person I use to be. How can my life change in a blink of an eye?

I looked down at my night stand and notice I forgot to pack one more important thing. I couldn't see much so I blinked a few times to clear my vision when I notice my picture of my parents. The frame was a dark brown color with the glass as shinny as it can get. I grabbed the picture and held it tight in my hands. It was a picture of my parents on their wedding day. They both stood looking in each others eyes adoringly with smiles on their faces, you could tell they were very happy. My father held his right hand lightly on my mothers cheek with his left hand holding my mothers right hand and my moms other hand laid on top of my fathers hand that was on her cheek. The back ground of the picture looked absolutely gorgeous. There was a great big waterfall behind my parents with pink, yellow, blue, purple, red and many other color flowers around where my parents stood. The tall and dark green brushes and tress made my mom and dad pop out even more. Lets just say, whoever took this photo should a won a gold metal. Everything looked perfect. My mother was dressed in a strapless traditional white wedding dress. The dress held tight on her breast but flowed lightly down her body making her figure look even more beautiful. To complete the beautiful dress, she wore a white wavy vail with her dirty blond hair falling in curls just below her shoulders ending were her long dress ended. My mother wasn't the only good looking person at this wedding. My father looked very handsome if I do say so myself. He was dressed in a traditional black and white suit. The suit made his look even more manly then he did before.

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