[1] Ignore

425 13 3

"I was a monster, you were a saint
I know it still hurts, but no ones to blame
You and I, meant to fly
You, you, you"

[ ~ ]

It was raining. The rain drops were hitting the hot concrete of North Carolina. The trees holding each drop, but occasionally letting one slip right through. Everyone was inside their houses, enjoying the moist temperature instead of the harsh hotness that usually came. Most families were inside watching movies, while others were having a nice family dinner. It was a great evening to spend time with loved ones.

Meanwhile, Jonathan was sitting in his office scrolling through Steam. He needed a new game to play for his channel. After nothing caught his eye, he sighed. Not wanting to make a solo video, he decided to ask Vanoss if he would like to play some Uno.

Delirious: yoooo owlhead, wanna play some uno???

Jonathan switched from Evan's contact to Ohm and Luke's, asking the same question. After twenty minutes, Luke and Ohm replied with a 'hell yes!!', but no sign of Evan. Jonathan frowned. On the bottom he could see that Evan read the message fifteen minutes ago, so why did he not respond?

He must be really busy, he thought, shrugging. But still, even if he was busy he would always respond. So why didn't he? After ten more minutes, he ended up asking Squirrel, which responded very positively and with a promise to make him loose. Jonathan responded with 'whatever you say :)' and sent everyone invites to a game of Uno.

[ ~ ]

Three days later, and Jonathan knew something was going on. Evan never ignored their texts. He asked Wildcat if he had heard of Evan the last couple of days, which he responded with 'ofc, he messaged me an hour ago'.

Okay, so Jonathan concluded that Evan was responding everyone minus him, so that meant Evan was ignoring him. Jonathan was confused. Did he do something wrong? Did he do something wrong? Did he offend Evan in their last conversation? Was he overthinking? Yes, probably. But still, Jon couldn't shake the bad feeling.

[ ~ ]

It was five days later when Jonathan heard from Evan again. It was a simple text he received at eleven pm, when Jon was in one of his editing sprees. He was jamming to some Queen when his phone vibrated beside him. He paused the song for a moment (Another One Bites To Dust) when he saw 'One new message from Vanoss!' in his phone screen.

Vanoss: nogla, terroriser and me are gonna play some gmod if u wanna join

No apology nor explanation. That was weird. Still, Jonathan didn't say anything, fearing he was overthinking.

[ ~ ]

The session seemed forced.

Evan was still being the little shit he normally was, but it all seemed forced. Like a façade. Jon couldn't help it more. Something was off.

So when Nogla and Brian said their goodbyes (it was three am over in Ireland), he decided to speak up when it was him and Evan left on the Discord chat.

"Hey Vanoss?" Jonathan said, closing the recording files and the game.

He heard Evan sigh. "Yeah, Del?"

"Are you okay?" He asked, pulling his knees up to his chest, getting comfortable in the light blue blanket wrapped around him. "You seemed kinda out of it in the session today."

Evan stayed quiet for a few more moments. Jon was starting to fidget. He didn't cross the line, did he?

"Delirious, I appreciate the concern," He started. "But I'm okay. Seriously. Just met someone lately."

Jon felt his chest hurt a bit. "Oh." Was all he could say.

He heard Evan take a deep breath. "Oh god, I have to go Del. Gotta do some things before midnight."

Jonathan raised his eyebrow, but decided to not push him. "Alright." He said, switching to Spotify. He was going to another editing spree. "Goodnight, talk to you tomorrow."

Silence for ten seconds. "Yeah, bye." And Evan hung up.

Jonathan frowned. Something was up. But if Evan insisted he was fine, he would believe him.

For now.

[ ~ ]

It kept going.

Its been currently four months since that conversation, and Evan speaks to him once every week, which is unusual for him since they used to talk almost everyday.

Jonathan would text him here and there, and those messages would usually be ignored. Evan only responded if it was something video related, but even so he responded so... mundane.

He asked about this to Marcel and Brian, but those two said maybe he was in his big announcement mood. Jonathan was still suspicious.

[ ~ ]

He was finishing uploading his latest Spider-Man video when he received a call from the Select Specialty Hospital.


"Am I speaking with Jonathan Dennis?"

"Yes, why?"

"Are you family with Mark Dennis?"

[ ~ ]

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