Chapter 1- Not so Happy Birthday

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Kendra sat on her bed with a box of tissues and an overflowing trash can filled with them. Today was her Birthday and the day her parents left for a 12-day vacation 2 years ago. "Ring, Ring, Ring," her 7 am alarm went off, she dried her final tears and went to the mirror. Kendra's eyes were a little red so she put in some eye drops to reduce the redness. She had changed a lot over the past years her hair was almost to her butt, she needs glasses, she started night school, and takes some online classes. Everything else remained the same except Seth who grew a ton and is now 6 foot and hopefully done. Kendra put on some make-up, curled her hair, grabbed her favorite blue sweater, and put a smile on her face as she walked downstairs. The banner ahead said Happy 18th Birthday. The 8 was on another sheet of paper covering the 6 from the worst sweet 16th ever.

"Hey Kendra, come here quickly," Seth said shaking a postcard in front of his face. Kendra walked over and grabbed it from his hands. It was from their parents sent from Mamanuca, Fiji. "I guess we should go add this to our pile of 3 postcards," Seth joked trying to lighten Kendra's hurt expression. "Yeah we should," she said. Kendra walked away dropping the postcard in the process. "Kendra! Seth! Please come to the study," Grandpa called. Seth had somehow beat her there with his stupid shadow charmer abilities and when she walked in everyone yelled Happy Birthday! She faked a bigger smile and went to hug her Grandparents. "Now that Kendra is technically an adult she will be given Coulter's old room. Vanessa and your Grandmother have had a blast decorating," Grandpa said. "Now for the other news..." Grandpa started but was interrupted by a small knock at the door. "Come in." Bracken walked in, "Sorry, I am late," he said taking a seat next to Kendra. "Happy Birthday!" He whispered.

"So now that everyone is here, Ruth and I have something we need to discuss with you," Grandpa said. " We had these old family friends and last night they were murdered, and we are taking in their two sons," Grandpa said. " But you should know a few things before," Grandma reminded Grandpa. "Yes, they are Vampires," Grandpa said with a dead-serious expression. Seth who was having some hot chocolate choked and spit it all over Warren. "What the Hell dude!" Warren said jumping up whipping Seth's got chocolate of his face. "Sorry," Seth managed to get out before he started to cough up a lung. "Did you say, Vampires," Kendra asked making sure she wasn't losing her mind. "Yes, but they will not be a danger to any of us," Grandpa reassured everyone. "This is the best freakin day ever," Seth yelled, "when are they coming?" Grandpa looked at Seth worriedly, "Sometime tonight." After a few more questions on where they are going to stay, how long they are going to stay, and names, Stan dismissed everyone but Seth. "I need you to behave yourself," Grandpa said. "I always behave myself," Seth joked and then said seriously, "I won't do anything stupid, but I am 16 and can take care of myself." "I know," Grandpa sighed patting Seth on the back.

Seth walked out of the study just as Warren walked down with wet hair and a new pair of clothes. "I am going to beat your ass during fighting class today," Warren said. "Come on Kendra," they said at the same time which annoyed them more. Kendra went from terrible to good at fighting with Warren, Seth, and Bracken. She also realized that it was a great way to get into shape and let all of her inner anger out. Kendra still can't swordfight but watch out when she has a bow and arrow. They went out to the clearing where Bracken was already waiting. Bracken and Kendra have this thing where they can't fight each other, so they are never partners. Now we have a pissed of Warren fighting and an over-excited, vampire loving Seth. Warren won! While Warren was doing some kicks on a dummy, Seth walked over to Kendra and punched her, but instead, Kendra grabbed his hand and twisted it. "Ahhhh," Seth yelled breaking free from Kendra's grasp. The two kicked and dodged for a few minutes, "So are you ready for all of the vampire romance novels to come true." Seth joked making kissing noises. This just made Kendra madder and she swiped her leg under Seth, but he jumped just in time. "Do you not want a SEXY male vampire to serenade you?" Seth yelled liking how mad this made his sister. "Shut up Seth," Kendra yelled throwing Seth back with a little bit of magic. "Hey! That's cheating," Seth yelled running behind a tree and not coming back out, or that's what Kendra thought before she fell on her butt by an invisible foot. "Sethhhhh," Kendra yelled making a ball of light so Seth could hide anymore. Seth ran and got one of the available swords and tossed a little dagger to Kendra. "Now we duel," Seth laughed evilly. "Should we stop this," Bracken asked Warren," Nah, let us see who wins, 50 bucks on Kendra."

For being as bad as she is with a sword, Kendra kept up with Seth. The small weapon was easier to control, but harder to swing or block swings. She blocked one but not well enough and it cut her cheek and her hand. Even though she had blood all over her face she didn't give up. Seth made one big swing that was just high enough for her to duck under it and she stabbed the dagger in Seth's leg. Seth screamed and dropping the sword and fell to the ground. Warren and Bracken ran over both with impressed looks on their faces. Kendra picked up the dropped sword and pointed it at Seth. "Mercy," Seth yelled and with that Kendra knelt over to Seth pulling out the dagger. "Ahhhhhh," Seth screamed. "Stop being a baby, it isn't that deep," Kendra smirked working on healing thing that Bracken had shown her. "I was just stabbed Kendra, by you!"Seth yelled. "Better," she asked when the wound was gone and only a very small scar remained. She hugged her giant of a brother, "I'm sorry," Kendra said. "Hey, that was pretty cool and I deserved it after what I did to your face," Seth whispered. "Now get off me before you soak me in cheek blood," Seth joked. "Yeah yeah," Kenda said standing up. She walked over to Bracken, "Hey can you heal this for me, but still let it have a faint scar please." Kendra said begging with her eyes. "You sure?" Bracken asked. "Yep," Kendra stated. "That looks badass," Warren exclaimed.

The rest of the day went super fast, they had Kendra's favorite food, Chinese, and Grandma even made her a vanilla cake with pink frosting. They played board games till everyone went to their rooms to relax and Grandpa and Grandma walked into the Study, which left Kendra getting ready to watch "The Edge of Seventeen" when she was halfway through, she heard the knock she was waiting for. She got up, walked to the door, and open it. Two tall people were standing in the doorway. The taller one was very muscular, black messy hair that perfectly fit his face, blue ocean eyes, and had a very serious, but handsome face. The second was about the same height as Seth, sandy-brown spiked up hair, forest green eyes, thinly built but still had noticeable muscles, and had a small smile on his face. They were both wearing white shirts and jeans that were stained with blood. Seth was right about one thing, Kendra thought, they were totally hot.


Thunder rumbled as he marched down the halls of his palace. "Where are they," He screamed! One of the servants who were brave enough to speak said, "They must have escaped, they weren't there." "Well, then you failed," He screamed again. "Yes, master," all of the servants said. "Well, are they dead at least?" He said holding up a wedding photo of a man and a woman. "Yes, and here are their hearts. Just like you asked for," a servant said. On cue two servants brought forth two wooden boxes, they opened them and there layed two hearts that were ripped out of the couple's chest. "Marvelous," the man said, "NOW FIND ME THOSE BOYS!" he screamed making the wood in the palace shake.

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