Intro-How it started

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Yukina POV Age 7
"Stay still child, I have a present for you" The evil man said. I wouldn't dare to run again because he hurts me whenever I try to run. I watched as his snake like neck darted towards my neck. I felt as his fangs rip through my flesh, I felt something tingle, then the tingling turned into burning. It felt like I was getting burned alive and they were just more gasoline on me! After the burning it felt like my soft flesh was being torn off and they were putting lemon juice on my open flesh.
"If you survive this child, I will reward you greatly." The snake man said as he walked out the door.
I heard a large explosion while I was in my cage, it was so large it made the bars vibrate violently. Yuuko didn't like that, I heard him growl because it interrupted his slumber. The door was kicked down by a man wearing cow prints and he had a large sword, he looked at me shocked. He was about to ask me something but I blacked out from the excruciating pain.
Zabuza POV
That sick bastard testing on a child! What has he done to her?! What if I took her with me? No, no, I already have Haku, if I take her I will turn into a walking day care! I should at least take care of her for a little while, teach her how to defend herself and to survive. Yeah! Besides she might be useful for a little while, plus Haku won't be so lonely while I'm on missions.
I quickly broke the cage open with my massive sword and picked her up and threw her over my back, I then took what I came here for. This was a potion or something. If you drink it, it will cure you instantly, even if one of your limbs are fully off. It could even cure someone who was dead for 10 minutes. I heard about 15 people running in my direction, I quickly kicked down the wall and started to sprint away. I mean I was tuff, but I couldn't handle 15 people with curse marks at once, plus I have this kid!
Yukina POV
I woke up with a kid hovering over me and a man wearing cow skin. The man wearing was fiddling with a little glass bottle, and the boy was staring at me with a smile plastered on his face.
"Excuse me, but where am I?" I asked weakly
"Ah, you finally awake. Your at my home, I'm Zabuza and that boy over there is Haku" he said pointing at the boy
Several months later
I've learned to control the curse mark from that snake man gave to me, and I finally know his name, Orchimaru. He killed my parents when I was born too. I was currently learning how to start a fire because I was leaving on my own today. Haku was upset because him and I have grown to be great friends, and this is coming from someone who literally has a stone heart. Yuuko chuckled at that but went back to the back of my head.
"Alright kid, I taught you how to make shadow clone, you've become an excellent swordsman, you already created your own jutsu too. Don't get cocky though, just cause you have all chakra types doesn't mean you can beat anyone. You know water dragon jutsu, fireball jutsu, and the jutsu you created Reverse Water Prison. I have to say that clever though, putting water around you as a shield. All right kid, I'll miss you! I hope we'll see each other again, remember everything I've taught you. Be sure to always wash those extra clothes, kids your age need to stay healthy!" I could tell Zabuza would miss me, I'd miss him too. He's the closest thing to a parent I've had, Orchimaru was like Cinderella's evil step mother to me.
"Goodbye Haku and Zabuza, I will always be in debt in you Zabuza for saving me" I said as I started to run up a tree and run away

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