Chapter 8 (Revised)

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You looked at Toby, the blatant confusion written all over your face.

"His real name i-is Timothy Wright, or T-Tim, but what you d-don't know is T-Tim and Masky are very d-different... Almost like m-multiple personalities." Toby paused, to make sure you were understanding.

"I-I'm confident you've been d-dealing mostly with T-Tim." He waved his hands around in a dramatic gesture.

"What do you mean? He seems as normal as someone living alone in the woods can be."

"T-Thats because y-you've been dealing with Tim." You looked at Toby, only semi-understanding what he was telling you. You tried to rack your brain of anything unusual or erratic concerning his behavior.

"M-Masky fronts when h-he goes out k-killing, or w-when he's angry, a-almost like a defense m-mechanism." You thought back to the day you met him, he was far more aggressive than he had really ever been when he was home. You chalked that up to him warming up to you, but I guess this explanation made sense too.

"The first day I was there, he behaved a little strangely, now that I think back on it." You tapped your chin, recollecting the events of your stay.

"He kind of always had a short fuse regardless, but the first day I was there he was a total ass! He insisted that I call him sir every time I talked to him, and always made my job harder." You started to raise your voice in frustration, but quickly calmed yourself down, taking a deep breath Toby stared at you intently, it was becoming more and more apparent he enjoyed the gossip. He leaned in closer, staring into your soul with his wide eyes. You pushed him away lightly by his forehead, and started again.

"He was really sadistic, like he loved to see me suffer." Toby nodded, and listened to you intently like he was your therapist.

"Y-Yup, t-that was definitely Masky." You took a bite of your half of the dessert, ready to listen as Toby went on another long winded explanation.

"T-Tim isn't all sunshine and r-rainbows either, but M-Masky is a d-different color beast e-entirely. I d-don't know much about T-Tim's past or u-upbringing, but M-Masky is ruthless, and w-won't hesitate to hurt anyone w-who gets in his way." He put a hand firmly on your shoulder.

"M-My suggestion to you i-is when Masky fronts d-don't put up a fight, b-because that's a f-fight you can't win." You nodded in agreement, letting this information sink in.

"Tim can t-take a little p-pushback, he also p-probably won't hurt you which is a p-plus."

"How will I know when Masky fronts?" Toby tilted his head in confusion. Looking at you like you had suddenly grown three heads.

"Y-You mean you don't know?" You shook your head.

"It's pretty easy to tell, u-usually he g-goes deathly quiet for a m-minute... and h-his whole d-demeanor will change. So I guess i-if you notice he s-suddenly becomes more aggressive, or i-if there's a s-sudden shift in mood." It was finally starting to make sense. It sounded like he had Dissociative Identity Disorder or something. Which i guess made sense, it looked like everyone in this mansion had some sort of abnormality. You looked over to Toby's window, watching the sun start to set. It seemed Toby noticed the setting sun as well.

"W-Well it's been l-lovely talking to you but I h-have to go to work." Toby very lightly and playfully punched your shoulder, flashing you a warm smile.

"T-Thank you for this, I ap-appreciate it." He put the empty dessert container on one of his bedside tables. He stood up from his bed and held out a hand to you.

"L-Let me walk you back, I need to m-meet up with Tim anyway." You smiled and took his hand, and he pulled you up off his bed. He squeezed your hand, and the two of you walked back down the twisting hallways, hands intertwined in a platonic embrace.

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