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tord woke up early the next morning. his alarm was set to six-thirty am, but he woke up at five-forty-seven. tord tried to go back to sleep, but he ended up just laying in bed on his phone. before he knew it, his alarm was going off. he groaned, and pulled himself out of bed. tord quickly shed off his clothes (he had been wearing the same jeans for multiple days) and changed into a plain red shirt, black jeans, and a black jacket. he slid on red shoes, and walked out of his room, to the kitchen. pat was there, making toast. 

"hey pat" tord said, smiling. he and his brother had off schedules, so they had limited interactions, but they still loved each other. 

"hey tord, good morning!" pat somehow managed to be upbeat in the mornings (most of the time.) "are you gonna tell me about what happened yesterday? why i had to pull you out of school?" tord got quiet. pat turned around, and saw tord, avoiding eye contact. 

"well, it was kind of stupid, i was just really upset because tom sat somewhere else. it's stupid." pat rolled his eyes as the toast popped out. he carefully took it out of the toaster, and set it on the counter, buttering both pieces. 

"that's not a stupid reason. it's fine don't worry about it." pat sprinkled cinnamon sugar on both of the pieces. "sometimes it's okay to take a mental health day." pat handed tord one of the pieces, and took a bite of his own. tord mumbled a 'thanks' shrugging on his backpack. pat didn't have his college classes until later in the day, so when tord left their house, he didn't follow. 

tord looked down at his feet as he walked the path he had memorized. he glanced up occasionally, until he was at the meeting spot. he looked around and saw no sign of tom. whatever, he didn't have to leave for another ten minutes. if he left later, he'd be late. tord sat down against a fence, and pulled out his phone. 

after a bit of scrolling on social media (instagram) he could faintly hear his name. tord sat up, looking around. he couldn't see anyone. he checked the time. he should be leaving about now anyways. he stood up, and started walking in the direction of the school. 

"tord! are you okay, man? i've been calling for you." tord looked up, and saw tom and  sam. ew. he blinked at them, before realizing that tom had asked him a question. 

"oh! oh, yeah, im okay, i've just been out of it lately." tord smiled "convincingly". tom raised an eyebrow, but shrugged, not questioning him further. he turned his attention to sam. they were talking about some show that tord had never heard of before. 

"have you ever watched that show, tord? it's apart of many people's childhoods." sam said, smiling. tord hated her smile. 

"no, i can't say that i've ever watched it." sam's eyebrows raised. 

"you have an accent! where are you from?" she said excitedly. tord was surprised. he didn't think she would care to talk to him in any way. but tord loved talking about norway, so he didn't mind. 

"oh, i grew up in norway! i can say that it is far colder there, but it is so beautiful as well. we always make sure to go back and visit family on the holidays. my older brother, pat. his best friend, named paul lives in norway as a student in college. they still video chat, but it's not the same as actually talking face-to-face, yes?" sam nodded enthusiastically. 

"i've always wanted to go to norway, but all i've heard is 'it's too cold' and 'you wouldn't like it there!'" she said that in a whiny voice which made tord laugh. "it's nice hearing a good opinion about norway!" 

before they knew it, they were at school. tord went to math again, because math on his schedule was double-blocked, meaning he had it every day. he got into the classroom and sat at his desk before he realized. he just had a decent conversation with sam. sam of all people! he was disappointed in himself.

edd shoved tord's head down suddenly. tord laughed, and punched edd. edd groaned, and flipped tord off. he finally sat down in his seat, and mrs. millwim started teaching.

tord sat down in his final class of the day, biology. He laid his head down on his desk, hidden in his arms. Soon, after the bell rang, he heard someone sit next to him, and shove his arm lightly. he lifted his head slightly, and glared at who inconvenienced him. sam. ughhhh

"heya, stranger." she said, smiling. tord fake smiled. "can i sit here?" she asked. she was already sitting, there wasn't really a reason for her to be asking, but tord nodded anyways. he buried his head into his arms again, hoping to ignore everybody around him. he hadn't had the best day so far. "you okay? you're very quiet today." that part was true. tord was the kind of guy to blurt out his thoughts in class.

"just like a peach." what he was trying to say was 'just peachy' but he didn't exactly know all of the english phrases. sam laughed, and tord glared at her silently. "what is funny?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"did you mean, 'just peachy?'" tord rolled his eyes. he was getting tired of sam, and just people in general.

"yes, same thing." he put the hood of his jacket on his head, hiding his slowly reddening face. sam was still laughing at him, causing other students to look back. he buried his face again. before he knew it, tord had fallen asleep. 

a light shove to his arm woke him up. he confusedly opened his eyes, and glanced at sam. she nodded to the teacher. "he asked if you were awake." she whispered quickly. 

"yes sir," he mumbled. the teacher glared at him, but continued teaching about the different ways to classify an animal. 

"take that hood off, you know those aren't allowed." mr. mensen said. tord silently groaned, and took off his hood. he desperately just wanted to go home. 

soon enough, the bell rang, and tord got up, sluggishly walking to his locker to collect his things. 

"hey wait up!" a voice called. tord looked back, to see sam jogging up to him. why can't she just leave him alone? "are you okay?" she asked. her face showed nothing but concern, and she had a hand on his shoulder. 

"yea. im fine." she nodded. he knew that she didn't believe him. 

"do you want to hang out today? you seem really cool and i want to get to know you." she smiled sweetly. no matter how much tord didn't want to hang out with her, he loved compliments. saying he seemed cool? perfect.

"yes okay. where would you like to go?" she shrugged. she smiled at tord, who was already looking happier. sam had that talent. she knew how to make people happier. 

"we could just walk around until we find something to do." she said. tord nodded. that didn't sound too bad. 

"would you like to go now?" he asked. she nodded again.

"why not?" now tord had to hang out with sam.

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