Chapter 7

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Everyone applaud and cheered and the part began. There was a huge bonfire, food, music and dancing... for a while I mingled with the other wolfs and got to know them more because I was now going to be the nexts Luna of the pack. Then West took me into his arms and we danced for a while. And soon enough, we were dinging into the food. It was tasty and filling. After the party was finished me and West went back to his room which was opposite mine and we basically collapsed into bed. West curled up next to me and we fell asleep. I awoke suddenly in the morning and for a few moments I forgot why I awoke but then the churning in my stomach reminded me and I jumped out of bed and ran into West's bathroom and I was sick. Once my stomach was empty I flushed the loo and stood up.

I went over to the sink and I washed my mouth out with water and I also splashed my face with some cold water as my face was drained of colour. I was confused as to why I was sick. Wolf shifters hardly ever get sick because our immune system is much stronger than a humans. So this was surprising. But I shrugged it of as something I ate last night. West was sound asleep still so I snuck back into bed quietly and he wrapped his arm around me and kissed the back of my neck. I thought it was going to be a one time thing but no, I was sick in the mornings for a straight week. Now this was scaring me because there was 2 reasons for why I was still sick. The first being I caught a wolf cold or second being... I'm pregnant. I looked at myself in the full length mirror in my room and I lifted up my top and I poked my stomach. I looked really closely and I quickly noticed the very slight swell of a bump. I gulped as it hit me that I was most definitely pregnant, but I wanted to find out for sure before I told West.

So while he was training the guards I headed to the pack doctor and explained what was going on. He asked for a urine and blood sample and I waited for ten minutes. He came back and said," it just as we both suspected... you are about three weeks pregnant. Congratulations... I would go and tell West the good news and then return tomorrow so we can discuss appointments." I nodded and left. I soon found West in his room. He smiled as I walked in I sat on the bed and instantly West said, " what's wrong?" I looked at him and I said, " I have to tell you something and you might need to sit down for it." He sat next to me and said," what's wrong my love?" I said," well there's nothing wrong per say but I think we are going to need a bigger room..." He looked at me and his eyes widened he instantly pushed me back back so I was laying on the bed and he got on top of me with my legs in between his and he slowly lifted up my top and he placed his ear to my stomach. After a few moments he got off of me and looked at me dead in the eyes and said, "your... pregnant?"

I could see the excitement in his eyes and I smiled and nodded. I jumped up and ran into his arms and he picked me up and swung me around and smothered me in kisses. He let me go and he put his head back and let out a loud joyful howl. A few moment later I heard the rest of the pack also howling with joy. I heard running up the stairs and Jess burst into the room and screamed, " IM GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE!" She literally jumped with joy and hugged both me and West... I was now two months along and today was the scan to see if we were having a boy or a girl pup and I wanted a girl but West wanted a boy. We made our way to the infirmary and the Doc was already waiting for us. I carefully lay on the bed and pulled up my top to show my small bump and he put some jell on my stomach and placed the scanner over the same spot. We looked to the monitor but after a few moments the Doc frowned. I instantly said, " what's wrong with my baby?" He looked to us and said, "oh nothings wrong.... But it appears that you are having twins... and they are both girls."

Me and West were speechless. But we were both happy. The doc then explained about what we should do when it came to the delivery. He suggested a natural birth which was fine with me and West. I wanted West, Jess and the Luna present at the birth. A wolf shifters pregnancy only lasts four months unlike a humans pregnancy which lasts nine months. So buy two and half months I was big, not to mention I was carrying twins. Me and West also moved out of the pack house and into our own home. It was plenty big enough for me, West and our two girls. West began to do the nursery instantly and wouldn't let me see it until it was done. I hated not being able to do things like bend down or having to pee every 15 minutes. But that comes with being pregnant. I needed to go into town because I was having a craving for vanilla ice cream and salsa but we had run out of salsa and unfortunately West was in the middle of trading.

I linked him and told him I was going out and would be back shortly. I jumped into the car and driver to the nearest food shop. I went in, payed and headed back to the car. However, I had just made it to the car when suddenly a rag was placed over my mouth. I panicked and instantly linked West and said," HELP! IM BEING TAKEN!" I didn't hear his reply as I passed out. When I awoke my head was pounding. It was very dark as there were no windows and it smelt of iron, dust and wolfs. My eyes adjusted to the lack of light and I soon realised I was in a cage. I tried to link West but I must have been to far away. A few moments later I heard foot steps coming down steps and then a door opened to my left and I head the click of a light switch and a sudden bright light lit up the room. It looked like I was in a basement of some sorts and there was more than one cage.

The man came and walked up to the cage I was in, instantly I growled loudly and I allowed my wolf eyes to show. He put his hands up like he was surrendering and said,"easy missy.... I ain't going to hurt ya." He had a rough unpleasant tone to his voice which made me uneasy. I said," I am the mate to West Ashton, the Alphas son the Night Wolf pack, release me now and he might just go easy on you." But he his replied with," I know who your mate is, we've been watching you for a while now. So there's no point in threatening me." I said, "who are you?" He was silent for a moment and he said, " I... am your uncle." I was very surprised by this.

But before I could ask anymore questions he hastily turned and walked to the door. Another man walked in and agin I growled at him. He walked over to my cage and stood in front of me. The sent he gave of was powerful and it made me back away from the front of the cage. He said," my name is Gregory Nixon and I am the alpha of a small pack of wolfs called the Shadow Pack. We as our pack name suggests, live in the shadows and of the gird from the rest of Wolf Pack society. We found your uncle 19 years ago after a group of hunters at attacked him and your pack... you and your uncle are the last two wolfs of your old pack and now he's apart of my pack, he decided he wanted you back, after a lot of convincing I agreed to this with one condition, you will be MY mate, so now we will initiate you into my pack and you will never return to your mates pack. We will help you bring your pup into this world and then I will personally claim him as my pup and bring him up as my heir."

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