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I'm guessing that everybody dreamt of being a supernatural being when they were kids. You imagined you could fly, travel at high speed, being able to see in the dark, be invisible... Those kind of things. And I get that it looks very fun when you are young. The only things you think of are the fun parts of being something that's not human, not the bad things. And why should you?  Even though you are a kid, you somehow know that it's only in your mind and that you'll never be a weird creature, right? Well, you can't be more wrong.

But I'm being rude here, let me introduce myself first. My name is Choi Seunghyun and I'm 18. I'm in my last year of high school. Now, if you'd look at me, you'd think I'm just a normal teenager... Maybe  I look like I'd better fit in the mafia than other teenagers would, but that would be it. And sure, I go to school like any other kid, study like any other kid, sit in front of my computer more than necessary, just like any other kid...  only I'm not 'any other' kid.

I first noticed I wasn't what you'd call normal when I was 13. It was during lunch break, at my school. I have to tell you that I was a bit chubby then and the perfect victim for bullies of course. I the beginning there was name calling. Not that bad if you just ignore it, I thought. I was also convinced they'd stop after a while since they didn't get any reaction. But it only got worse.

After a while, they 'improved' their bully techniques. For example, I'd find my PE clothes in the toilet. My lunch mysteriously disappeared, stuff like that. The teachers knew, but they decided to ignore it. My parents also knew but told me to continue to ignore the bullies, and assured me that they would eventually stop because it would get boring. But ignoring them had the opposite effect. That one day, during lunch break, I found myself trapped between the wall in the bathroom and about 7 bullies.

"Hey chubby, shouldn't you be eating right now? If you don't watch out, you'll get thin!" I remember the tallest and their leader practically yell at me. Don't ask me what his name was, I made sure I don't remember. As a fact, I don't remember any of their names. Of course the rest of them started laughing at his 'joke' as soon as he said it. I turned around and started walking towards the bathroom's exit, or at least I tried. But as soon as they figured out my plan, the leader pushed me back against the sink.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said holding me up by the collar of my uniform. It was the first time that they got physical, ever. I remember that at that moment alarms went off in my head.

"Could you let go of me, please?" I said, or rather asked not to infuriate him. His eyes widened, he probably didn't see it coming that I would stand up (sort of) to him. But after a few seconds he's laughing so hard he's almost crying.

"Hahaha, wait it can talk hahah! Let go of you? Now why would we do that?" By the end of him talking, he wasn't laughing anymore; he was glaring at me and I started to get scared. I knew that at that time I wasn't able to defend myself, certainly not against 7 fit bullies that who were approximately 3 years older than me.

"So chubby, I've got the feeling that you've ignored us for quite a while. That makes me sad... And angry, don't you want to be our friends?" The other were laughing again. Only the leader wasn't laughing, he just came closer.

"Or are you so asocial? See, I don't think I ever saw you with a friend... Oh but that's right, you don't have any." That sentence somehow got to me, and I could feel my eyes tearing up because he was right. The only friend I had moved away two years ago, since then I was always sitting alone in school, not talking to anyone... And I hated it.

"Aw, is the little baby going to cry?" The laughter just increased as I felt the first tear rolling over my cheeks. I was really done with this, the bullying, being alone. I just wanted to go home, lie in my bed, fall asleep and then wake up into another reality.

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