Revelation I

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I'm being dragged across the hallway once again. The guards are taking a different route this time. The hallway looks the same though.

I'm trying not to think about what's going to happen soon. Instead, I'm trying to make some escape plans. Trying, because I'm not near smart enough to come up with good ideas. But I got to try. We can't stay here. If they are capable of torturing us, they are also capable of killing us. Truth is, I won't mind if they kill me, I kind of deserve it... But Seungri, Taeyang and the other innocent people don't. Least of all Daesung...

I don't get to make plans for long however. The guards stop in front of a double steel door and opens them. The room is large, gray and rather bright. As I'm being dragged in, I can see that there are a lot of machines standing at the opposite side, machines I don't know. They appear to be made for hospitals, but then again, I can't be sure.

I'm being chained to the ground this time. I makes me bend over. Even without any torturing, staying in this position for too long will hurt. I turn my head around, but apart from the machines,  a balcony and a door on the other side, the room is empty. There's also a window near the ceiling, but the room is way  too high to reach it.

Surprisingly, the guards walk out of the room, leaving me alone. I can't say I'm not glad for some alone time, but frankly, I'm not sure it's a good thing either.

My solitude is short-lived as the door on the balcony opens and shows a young, blond man dressed in white. I'm shocked for a few moments as the only blond person I know is Jiyong, but the hair on the man's head is combed back and held in place with hairspray. Just like the other guard. I change so I can see his features better since he's standing quite far from me.

As soon as I see his face clearer, I can hear myself gasp. His face is badly mutilated. There are scars running crisscross over his face. One of his eyes is clearly fake and his upper lip was once split in two parts. But apart from that, he looked very young, mid twenties max.

He stops and puts his hands on the handrail before him, supporting his weight on them. He smiles at me, or so I think. It's clearly not a kind smile.

"My my, look what the cat dragged in... Seunghyun, long time no see..." Wait, I saw him before? I can't remember. Is he one of the guards?

"Well, I have to say I didn't recognize you at first, with you being slim and good-looking..." He- he knew me when I was... I really can't remember...

"Who are you?" I haven't spoken today so my voice breaks at the end. He laughs.

"Hahaha who? Haha, seriously, Seunghyun? I'm hurt... I know I might look different now, with the scars and all... But hey, that's your doing!" Oh my god...

"You?!" I recognise him now. He's the leader, one of bullies I... didn't kill...

"Yes, me! Who else looks like this?!" His voice wasn't calm anymore.

"H-how did you...?" How did he what? What was I going to ask?

"How? That's quite simple don't you think? See, let me tell you a story. When they first found out that those test went wrong, they set up a special force to examine the kids and how they evolved, fearing that they would develop certain conditions, illnesses... Not monsters. That's why, until you went nuts, no-one was searching for things like you." He smiles again, just for a second before looking at me angry.

"You see, after your attack, I had to stay in the hospital for what seems like years. I was interrogated by the force and learned all about them. After my release I quit school and joined them. The board was weak, even after the attack. So I made sure my... abilities were noticed and soon, I joined the board. I also made sure I had a quite a few followers, so I became head of the force rather quickly. After that,... I think you already know..."

"You started to hunt us..." It was clear now how the damn force suddenly became... insane. Well, he's insane. He doesn't care about others like me, it's just a cover.

"But your motives are different than what you've told the rest of the board, aren't they? You only wanted to catch me to make me pay for what I did to you..." I can see him smirk, he releases the rail and starts pacing around, frequently looking back at me.

"That might be so, but I don't plan on releasing the rest of you any time soon. Not only so I won't blow my cover. You've made friends and I know that I have to get to them if I want to get to you, that's how I caught you in the first place." I glare at him, showing my teeth. He probably can't see it though, since he's pretty far away and only has one good eye left.

"So that brings me to our first point on the agenda: you're going to tell me where I can find that Jiyong friend of yours..."

I know he was going to ask that. It's pretty obvious since that's why they tortured me in the first place. Well, that and to get back at me for almost killing him of course. But it doesn't matter, they can try whatever they want, torturing me or even killing me, I won't tell him where Jiyong is. I never had any guts to do anything, I always tried to stay out of any kind of conflict, never really getting angry or anything. But I'm done with playing nice. I'm done with all of it. I'm not going to let other people get into trouble because of me. I deserve this, they don't.

"Screw you." I manage to say calmly despite my anger. The response is the same as always: a smirk.

"Yeah, I have to give it to you, you grew some balls since the last time I saw you. However, I knew you were going to say that so let's welcome our first guest." He picks up a radio and holds it in front of his deformed mouth.

"Bring her in." The door underneath the balcony opens and reveals the doctor, looking very stressed out.

"I take it you two already met."

"Please s-sir, there's no need for this." She croaks.

"Shut up! Don't you dare to..." He snaps, but calms down rather fast.

"Listen, don't you forget that it's because of me that you still have a job. What are you going to do if you're fired, huh? You still have children to feed..." He's blackmailing her and I can't help here. She doesn't deserve this, whatever she did. She picks up a syringe off of one of the machines and walks towards me.

"Now, where's Jiyong?"

"Like I said, screw you!" The doctor is standing next to me now and looks at me with pity.

"Please Seunghyun, just tell him. You don't want me to inject this." She whispers, eyes watering. But I just shake my head.

"Do it, doctor!" He yells while smiling. I'm really sure I don't want that weird yellow looking fluid in my veins, but I just can't betray Ji.

"I'm so s-sorry..." She's crying as she injects whatever's in the syringe.

"It's not your fault." I whisper and wait for what's coming. For a couple of moments I don't feel a thing. That is until a searing pain sets in my right arm. It spreads and fast. The pain is practically unbearable and I squeeze my eyes shut, trying not to scream. But it's a battle I'm going to lose. Around wounds, the pain is even worse. When it reaches my knee, I can't hold back a scream as I fall on my knees, hurting it even more.

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