Don't hate me Prt 3

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(This is loooooong)

Izuku is Bold

Bakugou is  Underlined

Waitress is italics

Izuku Pov

I quickly break away from the hug and I see the waitress giggling. I look down to my lap in embarrassment.


Don't be, you don't know how many times that happens.

*Waitress leaves*


Calm down and just eat it.


*Time skip cause I'm not writing about every bite that they take*

How was the food?

The Glorious mixture of the taste and texture was divine.

It was okay.

Get us the bill now

Of course.

*Waitress leaves*

Kacchan.. why are you always so demanding. What did the Waitress do to you. You could have asked for the bill.

Do you ever SHUT UP nerd. No one actually gives a shit. Who asked for your opinion.

Here's the bill

*Scans credit card*

Thank you

I walk out with my head down. I thought he had changed. So much for an apology.

I start to feel my eyes water and begin walking faster out the restaurant.

I can't give him what he wants. I can't let him see me cry.

I finally escape the restaurant and start breathing more slowly.

Suddenly someone takes my new fancy bag that Uraraka got me. I've just completely given up.

* Boom*


I look behind me and see a massive explosion with Kacchan flying Infront. He is going to get in so much trouble for that.

Then I see Kacchan run towards me with his clothes burnt.. His fancy clothes are BURNT.

He gets to me and we just stare at each other for a good ten seconds. Then I barely hear him say...

I...I got your bag.....

I hug him as tightly as possible and he hugs me back.

Don't do that again, your in so much trouble and your fancy clothes that you looked so hot in is all burned.

Wait... Did I just call Kacchan hot?

I wince and get ready for a punch.

I guess I have to buy it again if you thought I was so hot in it.

We both laugh and then I do something risky.

I kiss Kacchan on the check and then I start walking away quickly.

Then I feel a hand on my shoulder which give tingles down my spine.

Kacchan turns me around and kisses me and I kiss him back. What am I doing...

I break away and start to walk away.

Hey Sexy people, YOU ARE SEXY.

Anyway, give a score out of ten of how much u liked the 'Don't hate me' parts in the comments. This was the last one. Tododeku is next so if u have any ideas, Also put it in the comments.

Bye sexy people

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