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Midoryia is italic

Bakugou is Bold

Kirishima is normal~

"Heh.. wat?"

"We just have a cool little plan"

"Date me!"

Midoryia slightly jumped at the sudden sound, causing his ears to shoot up. Kirishima sighed looking at Bakugou in disappointment.

"What Bakugou meant is that we want to ask you if you would like to go out with us, you have your impossible cheerful infectious attitude, your wonderful smile that warms everyone's heart-


Bakugou interrupted Kirishima with his loud yell that showed that he couldn't hold back how much he wanted to hold and protect Midoryia. Midoryia was inexplicably stunned at the situation that had just unfolded in front of him, it brought him back to wondering, was it just because of how he had just been effected with the quirk, were they just false truths..

He looked down towards the ground trying to wrap his head around the situation that had just unfolded. His head felt dizzy and Kirishima noticed something was wrong, he stood up going to approach Midoryia before he saw Midoryia start to fall backwards while sitting down. Kirishima caught him before he hit his head, picking him up and bringing him to recovery girl.

"Is he going to be okay?" Kirishima asked in a worried tone.

Recovery tried to reassure him,"Don't worry young hero, move to your next class, come round at lunch if you want to check up with him later,"

Bakugou just gave a silent worried looked over Midoryia, wondering if the reason Midoryia fell unconscious was because he had stressed Midoryia out so much. 

(If you have an idea for a new book, I'd love to hear it)

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