p a r t i e s . . . .

35 4 0

Maybe he was at fault

But if no one's there

To tell him otherwise

How shall he learn from thy mistake?

"Come to the party," he said.

"It'll be fun," he said.

No. In no way, shape, or form did Vic consider this "fun". Honestly, what is so fun about drunken bodies flailing around, grinding and dancing and kissing and drinking and God knows what else?

Vic always told himself he wouldn't let Mike talk him into going to yet another party with him. Yet every single time (Friday), Mike is able to do just that. Although, if Vic wasn't such a people pleaser he might have the guts to say no. Vic dreams of the day he'll have enough courage to say no to someone, anyone (excluding his parents, of course). But all he could do for now is dream, although what good are dreams if they never come true.

Apparently, Vic had been lost in thought longer than he realized, because before he knew it, a drink was spilt on his favorite(ish) hoodie.

"You've got to be kidding me," he mumbled to himself.

"Shit. Dude, I'm so sorry," the oddly familiar voice slurred, clearly at the least somewhat tipsy. "Hey, you're that humming guy from the bathroom." Vic's eyebrows furrowed, and he tilted his slightly, confused as to what exactly the strange yet familiar pale boy was referring to.

"You know, you walked in on me as I as clearing out smoke from the bathroom," he chuckled. It was like light bulb flickered to life in Vic's mine, but he finally remembered who exactly is standing in front of him.

"Oh, hey. Sorry man, I kind of drew a blank there," Vic chuckled awkwardly, feeling mildly bad for barely remembering the stranger who was nice enough to recognize him.

"It's alright," Kellin smiled reassuringly. "So what's your name?"

"Victor. Vic for short. Yours?"

"Kellin," there's that smile again. Vic didn't quite understand why that smile made him feel the way he did, but it did and Vic couldn't complain.

"Well it's nice to officially meet you, Vic," he held out his hand, patiently awaiting to feel the pale boy's skin against his.

"Likewise," he barely whispered, flushing at the contact of the porcelain boy's hand; his skin was soft, like a feather. Kellin smiled at the quiet boy, infatuated with the being before him. He wondered how someone could be so confident, yet so quiet all at once.

"Hey, you want to get out of here?" Kellin questioned.

"And go where?"

"I don't know. We could go get pizza? Honestly, anything is better than this lame ass party," At this, Vic chuckled.

"If it's so lame then why did you come?" he questioned, dragging out the 'o' in so.

"Um free booze? Duh," Kellin stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. And one again, a chuckle fell from the tan boy's lips-clearly amused my the pale boy.

"Alright, Kellin, we can go pizza," Vic said matter-of-factly.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of that?" Kellin pouted, and if Vic didn't know any better, he could have sworn that Kellin was a child.

"Because you're drunk." Kellin rolled his eyes, a faint smile ever present on his lips.

"I'm not that drunk," as if on cue, someone knocked into Kellin slightly; which in all honestly, their shoulder just barely grazed the pale boy's back, but t was enough to send him toppling over. He probably would've fallen completely if Vic wasn't there to catch him.

With both arms around Kellin's slim figure, Vic pulled him up, laughing through it all. "Not that drunk, huh?"

"Oh, shut up," Kellin glared with mock anger; sticking his tounge out when Vic began to laugh harder, nearly falling to the floor himself from laughter.

"C'mon," Kellin mumbled, face flushed red with embarassment. Vic followed the younger out the door. Both had decided to go to the local pizza shop that wasn't to far from the party. Honestly, Joe's had the best pizza ever, and I'll be damned if someone were to try and proclaim otherwise.

The boys made there way into the pizza shop, greated by none other that Joe himself. It was well past twelve by now, you would think that Joe's would be closed, but the thing with Joe is-he's well aware with what teenagers do. They stay up all night watching Netflix, eating pizza, going for walks, doing homework. He didn't understand why they chose to be so productive at night, but they were, and Joe decided he could at least contribute in some way to their fun. Afterall, you never know who'll be president twenty years from now.

"Hey Uncle Joe," they greeted, smiles evident on their faces.

"Hey Vic, Kellin. I didn't know you knew each other," Joe stated, a hint confusion lacing his voice.

Kellin decided to speak for the both of them, "Yeah, we just officially met tonight at some party."

"Some lameass party," Vic smirked, and once again, Kellin glared in mock anger.

"Shut up, or I'll take the pizza and run," Vic chuckled at that.

"How you going to get a pizza without money?" Vic questioned, crossing his arms and putting the majority of his weight on one hip, similar to the way he stood the day he ran into Kellin in the restroom. Kellin just flicked him off, although still not being able to shake the smile that's been on his face ever since he ran into the brown-eyed boy at the party.

"So what'll it be, boys?" Joe asked after his laughter had died down from watching the two bicker. Kellin placed the order, Vic paid, and before they knew it, they had made their way to the roof of some apartment building. At the moment, they were playing twenty questions, as it seemed the most efficient way to learn more about one another.

"Okay, um, favorite song from a movie?" Kellin asked, finally calmed down after finding out about Vic's dislike of other's feet touching him and successfuly torturing him with his own.

"Be a Man from Mulan," Vic stated, smiling at the thought of the song.

"Seriously?" Kellin questioned. Vic nodded, resisting the urge to sing the song. Vic glanced at his phone, seeing it was a little past two o'clock, sighing.

"We should probably get going. It's 2:07," Kellin nearly choked. 2:07? He knew it was late but he didn't know it was that late.

"Yeah, I guess so," the two grudginly stood up and began to make their way to Kellin's house, seeing as it was the closest to where they were. Once they had made it, Vic took Kellin's phone and put his number in it.

"Text me if you want to hang out again," he said as he handed Kellin his phone.

"Will do," Kellin smiled. Vic nodded, and turned on his heel to leave. Kellin went to bed that night, that same smile forever etched across his face.

Can someone please explain to me why the fuck there is a PG-13 rating on here? What are you going to get your mommy to hold your hand while you're reading gay smut? That's ridiculous! Honestly. *whispers* by the way, this is the longest chapter I've written. Are you proud yet?

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