Chapter 9

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She felt the connection again through her son's mark. She felt that her son was still alive, she was confused. Frigga was still grieving about her son. When she felt a connection, she thought she was having hallucinations, hoping her son is alive, she want to do anything to return him to her arms. So she located him, found that he is Midgard. Thor is Midgard, she will go and ask him about Loki . Fandral will go with her for protection, leaving the rest of the warriors in Asgard, Odin was feeling guilty about what happened to Loki. Frigga was ruling instead if him until he comes back to his sense.


Thor wanted to spend some time with.  He regretted not being the best brother, he remembered when they were young he was the one who was having all the attention, Loki was struggling to just let the people accept him. When Loki was dead, Thor thought that he had failed him.

So right now it was a chaos in the kitchen of the tower, Thor had set a fire in it. He was just trying to make some food for his little brother.

Now they are sitting in the living room,Tony was watching them in amusement, Steve looked from one the other " Care to explain what happened there? "

"Captain, it was an accident i was trying to make some food for me and Loki. "

"You set my hair on fire and there was smoke in my face! " Loki said.

"You were the one who leaned to inspect what I was cooking. And I didn't mean to do this. "

"I was on fire Thor! "

"Loki, a tiny flame couldn't harm you and you can bring your hair back with your magic. "

Loki glared at him and returned his hair back .

"Look Loki,  I know Thor didn't mean to burn your hair." Steve said to Loki and then he said to Thor. "And please Thor tell anyone next time, if you want to cook. " Steve felt like a parent and they were his kids.

"You're right Steven, i'm sorry. " Thor said .

"I am not mad or anything , I've broken many things in this place but both of you will help to repair the kitchen. " Tony said.

Loki folded his arms across his chest and pouted " Ididn't do anything , it was Thor's fault! "

"It was an accident! " Thor defended himself.

Steve sighed , they were acting like kids.

They decided to watch a movie, so the avengers plus Loki were sitting in the living room. When they played the movie, Loki stood in front of the screen , looking at it with awe. Tony paused it.

"What is this magic? "

"Brother, you will find people in this device . " Thor replied , everyone was trying to held their laughter.

"How? I didn't see this kind of magic before. "

"Well it is just ......... " and Tony began to explain to Loki how the T.V works. He was about to answer a question, Clint snapped at them


That shut them up, Tony resumed the movie.

Suddenly there was a sound like something landed on the roof while they were were watching.

"Sir, we have visitors. I think they are Asgardians. "

"Asgardians! " Loki took Thor's hand to let Thor guide him.

"I think she is our mother, i can sense her magic! " Loki said excitedly.

When they arrived at the roof , ideed it was their mother. Loki ran to her and hugged her tightly .

"Mother, I missed you! " he said.

"Oh my baby, my little boy. " Frigga was crying, she can't believe her son is in her arms.

Loki looked around and found the others looking at them , even Fandral was here! He blushed.

"Mom, don't call me that in front of them. " he whispered to her.

She ignored this and said " i missed you . "

"Thor said that we have to stay here in Midgard, Iwant to go back to Asgard. " Loki pouted.

"Yes sweetheart,  you should stay here. " she said sadly. "But i will spend today with you. "

"Why? " Loki asked, he knew that Thor was hiding something, now his mother. Frigga didn't know what to say.

"Hi Loki. " Fandral said with a forced smile.

"Oh Fandral, I see that you're no longer a frog. " Loki smirked.

"What ... " but Thor gave him a look " oh,  yes a frog, the queen turned me to myself again. " Fandral had suffered a lot from Loki's pranks.

" A frog. "Tony interrupted them

" Yes, before I came here I turned him into a frog because he pissed me off. "

"Cool, you can turn people into animals? "

"Yes, you want to be an animal? " Loki raised his eyebrow.

"No, but this is cool. Sorry guys , Loki is now my favourite. "

"And you are a good friend,  Tony. " Loki smiled at him.


Frigga slept with Loki, Tony set up a room for Fandral.

"Thank you for everything Tony Stark, you're a great man. " Frigga had said to him, she was pleased that Loki found a friend like him.

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