Chapter 12

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"Brother. " Thor went to touch his brother,  But Loki flinched and tried to go further from Thor. Thor was hurt but he hide that.

"Brother, what's wrong? "

"I'm not your brother. " Loki whispered.

Thor looked at Bruce and then said to Loki "what are you saying ? Of course you are my brother! "

"No,  I'm a monster. " Loki cried."I am a frost giant."

Thor's eyes went wide and he couldn't say anything.

"I'm a monster, i tried to kill an entire race. " Loki was on the verge of having a panic attack.

"Loki, you need to calm down. "
It was Bruce who said that l, Loki's face showed fear when he looked at Bruce.


The other avengers came into the room.

"Shit,  he remembered. " Clint muttered .

Loki was still looking at Bruce fearfully

"Bruce , you need to calm down . can you come with me?" Natasha said to Bruce and took him away.

"You know that i died? "Loki asked Thor and Tony stiffened, remembering how Loki had died.

"Loki . How.. How.. " but Loki cut him and said.

"And you didn't tell me . I'm a fool, I should have search more for the reason why i am still a teenager. "

"I have killed people here on Midgard. I have tried to kill all of you. "

"Loki, this wasn't you. you were jus... " Steve said but Loki cut him.

"I-i-i tried to k-kill you Thor. I am a monster. " Loki was crying hardly.

"Brother, please . "

"How are you even letting me live here? "

Thor went to touch him but Loki backed away "NOBODY TOUCH MEE! "

Thor heart broke, he was losing his brother again. His brother was suffering. He felt helpless, he didn't know what to do.

Loki looked at Clint " I know now why you hate me. I'm sorry for everything. " And then he vanished.

"Jarvis, is Loki still in the tower? " Steve asked frantically , he was looking at his teammate Tony, who hasn't uttered a word the whole time.

"Yes Sir. He is in his room. " Jarvis replied.

Thor rushed to Loki's room and knocked but there was no answer.

"Loki please,  answer me. " he said desperately but Loki didn't answer him.

He knew that his brother wanted privacy but he couldn't leave him. So he sat, leaning his back to the door.

"You know that even you are not my blood brother, you are still my brother. Nothing can change that. " he was hearing Loki's sobs.

"Remember when we were playing together, running after other. Doing silly Pranks on guards. "

"Remember when we were hiding to avoid bed time and the maids used to look for us. "  Thor was crying, he knew that Loki was hearing him. So he continued telling stories about their childhood.


"Care to explain what happened at Latveria? " Nick Fury asked Steve, Tony and Clint.

"Sir, Dr. Doom kidnapped Loki and we rescued him. " Steve explained.

"So, you destroyed the city ! "

"When we went there Loki was unconscious, if we hadn't rescued hi, we don't know what else Doom will do to him. " Clint asked angrily.

"The authorities are mad, there was a peace treaty. You should have waited to gain the permission to enter the city. "

"Ask for permission?  And then what?  wait to find Loki dead? Our job is to help the innocents and Loki is our friend! " Tony's voice was high, he was angry.

"Loki is not inoccent. Even people in Asgard didn't forgive him.  " Fury scowled at him.

"For God sake! He was controlled, it wasn't him. Of course you didn't see anything that he had been through. " Tony gritted his teeth.

The other three men were shocked, nobody had seen Tony this angry before.

"And you know what? We don't work for anyone. As for myself i will do anything to protect Loki."

Steve and Clint agreed with him.

"Now leave my tower. "


Tony found Thor sitting in front of Loki's room.

"He hadn't talk to you? "

"No and he told Jarvis to not let anyone enter. " Thor said sadly.

"I will try to talk to him. Your brother will come around . He just needs us to be there for him " Tony smiled at Thor and ordered Jarvis to open the door.

He closed the door behind him and found Loki staring blankly at the ceiling.

" Hey buddy, how are you?" Then he laughed nervously " Umm I mean I want to talk to you. "

"I threw you from the window. "

Shit, he remembered everything. Tony thought.

"Yeah, I totally forgive you about that. It wasn't you.  "

Loki just stared at him blankly. So Tony continued.

"Listen Loki , I know that you have done bad things in the past. " Loki flinched at that. "You know we are like each other, we have a fucked up past. "

Tony looked at him to see of he was listening and then continued "I was bullied when i was young because I was smarter than the rest of the kids. My father was completely ignoring me, if I went to his lab, he yelled at me. All I wanted was to please him and be like him but I couldn't spend anytime with him because he had no time for me. You know I used make deadly weapons to destroy, I was a bad person in the past but then i was pulled out from that mess and was given a second chance. "

"You know i did many terrible things, but when I had this chance, I just hold on it tightly and tried to be a good man. Now you had your chance and actually you are great person, it don't matter what is your skin colour is . All of us will love you just the way you are. " Tony said and continued. "You know your brother loves you , he will do anything for you. You have him and us. "

Loki was crying " But I..... "

"It wasn't your fault, don't blame yourself for anything." Tony said sternly.

Loki smiled at him with watery eyes. He is calm now because of Thor and Tony's talk.

Tony grinned at him and said. "Aha that is the smile I want."

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