Stress (Danny Avidan x Reader)

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Synopsis: You're a size-shifter who shrinks when you're too stressed. Normally you seclude yourself when this happens, but one day you accidentally shrink in front of Danny when you get too overwhelmed by your work...

"How the hell am I meant to stay calm? I have way too much work to do!" You cried, "I have no idea how I'm gonna do all of this!"

"I know, I know," Danny spoke softly, "But listen- you have enough time to finish all of it and I know you'll be able to."

"But- I-" You were stressing enough as it was, but in this circumstance you'd forgotten that getting too worked up and anxious made you shrink. You'd managed to hide this fact from Danny though, as you were nervous about how he'd react, "I don't-" You were stammering now, not sure what to say and not even realising that you were getting smaller.

"Um, (Y/N)?" He sounded confused, not sure if you were really shrinking or if he was just hallucinating.

You had been so wrapped up in your emotions that you hadn't even realised how much your size had reduced until you felt a warmth surrounding you. It was Danny scooping you into the palms of his hands, as you were now only around three inches tall.

"Oh no..." You mumbled as you came back to your senses. This definitely wasn't how you'd wanted to tell him about your strange power.

He stared down at you as you sat in his cupped hands, and it was clear that he wasn't quite sure how to react. There was confusion in his deep brown eyes but a twinkle to them too.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, breaking the momentary silence.

You nodded, "Yeah... Sorry- I was gonna tell you about this at some point but I just got nervous..."

"Nervous? Why?"

"I was just worried about how you might react."

He adjusted the way that he was holding you slightly and gently stroked the top of your head with the tip of his finger. The soft smile on his face and the way he held you already began to make you feel calmer.

"Well, is me reacting by finding you absolutely adorable okay?" He smiled even more as you blushed heavily at his compliment.

You squeaked in embarrassment, which only caused him to giggle and your face to go even redder.

"So, how often does this happen? Is it only when you get really stressed or can you control it?" He asked, continuing to stroke the top of your head.

You explained your ability to Danny, telling him about how it was predominantly controlled by your emotional state. If you got too stressed, anxious, scared, embarrassed or frustrated, you'd shrink, "Normally I know when it's gonna happen and I seclude myself until I get back to my regular size... Nobody's ever seen me like this."

He gave you a sympathetic look as he replied, "Don't worry, I won't tell anybody else. How long does it normally last?"

"It depends," You shrugged, "I don't usually focus on that, I just try to calm myself down and then I have a bit more control over when I want to grow again."

"Sooo, if you really wanted to, could you stay this tiny for the rest of the afternoon?" Danny smiled as he spoke, "Because damn, you're even cuter like this."

"Ohh stop!" You giggled, blushing again. He was the only person who'd seen you at this size, and being held by him was the most comforting thing imaginable, "I guess I could stay this size for just a bit longer..."

"Great!" He grinned, "You definitely need to relax, (Y/N). Wanna watch TV?"

You nodded with a soft smile in response as he began softly stroking your back. He was one of the people in your life that you trusted the most, and the way he was currently treating you further solidified that trust.

The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon watching a few episodes of your favourite TV show together. You stayed comfortable in the palm of his hand, and he was happy to have you there.

A/N: I've been getting a bit stressed over my Uni work lately so I wrote this to try and relax a bit, of course I wrote more g/t about Danny cus I just adore him ^^

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